Estonan Federation [Established]

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by wildbeast23, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. I have left signs in Middleton Trade Port if anyone wants to contribute to the construction of the Middleton Port City you can stop by and complete the tasks I wrote. No one is obligated, just if your around.
  2. May I see the tasks?
  3. I tried uploading a picture, but it didn't go through. The tasks are simple things, like clearing land. In fact that is all it is atm.
  4. Hello Estonans,
    good news! the United Islands of Estona is now a official outpost recognized by staff! No new outpost can form withing 3000 blocks of maximus!
  5. Hey spidey is minerva still active?
  6. somewhat, ive still been busy but ive been getting on as much as possible
  7. Siniy can I have a house on ironholem?
  8. Hey Devon, can I be mayor of Masnach City? I am building it from scratch basically.
  9. Masnach Port(Formerly Middleton Port) is now accepting donations of coal, which will help in building the city. You may donate any amount of coal, but no one is obligated to donate.

    Attached Files:

  10. if you can provide me with logs (on smp7 ill set up a chest for you at my res) and i have a large smelter and i can make your logs into charcoal for no cost =)
  11. Yes godricsword you can be mayor :)
  12. Good news!
    the nation of Demeter has officially dissolved into Estona :D
  13. Confirmed. now there's at least some stability.
    wildbeast23 likes this.
  14. Mmmmm,this means Estonan involvement on the mainland?
  15. Not too much kitten, just about as much as we already have :)
  16. I have done a full edit of the first post on this thread including a new eastern wilderness wide map. The only thing I didn't do was update the screenshots of the settlements, but I will leave this until Masnach had grown some more. Also, just so everyone know (if you haven't noticed from the thread name duh) Estona is now an ESTABLISHED community, well done everyone.
    weeh666 likes this.
  17. Congratulations Estona,
    I worked quite hard to get us recognized :) (wild put down the locked chest though :) )