[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. 1. In-game name: BFinc
    2. Timezone: GMT
    3. How long have you been playing Minecraft: 3-4 Years
    4. Have you ever been kicked or banned and what was the reason: Nope
    5. Do you plan to build/have a mega mall/another big project: Yes
    6. What is your favourite Minecraft activity: Building
    7. Why do you want to join PoC: Need something to do, place looks great!
    8. Which of the 8 commandments do you find most important: Have fun
  2. 1. In-game name: BFinc
    2. Timezone: GMT
    3. How long have you been playing Minecraft: 3-4 Years
    4. Have you ever been kicked or banned and what was the reason: Nope
    5. Do you plan to build/have a mega mall/another big project: Yes
    6. What is your favourite Minecraft activity: Building
    7. Why do you want to join PoC: Need something to do, place looks great!
    8. Which of the 8 commandments do you find most important: Have fun
  3. post 2 times?
    Galantisizer likes this.
  4. Is there a carrot farm? Or potato farm? I found a wheat farm (by the cows) but it's kinda small.
  5. There is a stop on the netherrail near Firestar, go through there to get to the farms.
  6. IF this goes ahead I would love to help- I have the empire state and Big Ben on my res :p
    SEPTHEKID and Kaizimir like this.
  7. I see, I would love u to join let me get the form
  8. As you may or may not know I am setting up a PoC build team, I am owner and you need to carry a slime ball to prove u are part of the crew (That will be provided) please don't lose it. If you would like to join, Pm me with the answer to the questions below!


    1. Your In-game namer tag.

    2. What time zone are you.

    3. How long have you been playing minecraft.

    4.how long have you been at PoC.

    5. Are you a good builder (send me builds).

    6.why do you want to join the build team

    7. Would u take it seriously.

    8. Have you ever been banned if so Why.

    9. Are you regular to PoC


    They are a few rules such as,

    •Please Support a Build
    • We will not provide tools
    • please Gather Supplies (if not asked and asked)
    •Do not steal supplies
    • Do not grief builds
    • ALL be friendly
    • Don't take sides on a argument in Build team
    • If someone swears please Report to Beardude123
    • Support players
    • get stuck in and don't give up

    If you have made the team you will be messaged in game or Pm'ed

    Thank you

    Hope you get in
    Kaizimir likes this.
  9. beardude got a point here: We don't have a real builder's guilde.
    I know your builds, huckleberry, and I would love if you guys would team up on this.
  10. Can u link me to it okz
  11. Let's try this...

    If you would like to have a private Mumble chat channel for Carthaga, like this post.
  12. I tried to find the Big Ben thread of huckleberry24 (there was one right?), but couldn't find. So, maybe you can send us the link or name the residences you have your builds on, huckleberry24?

    A few thoughts on communication

    The chat:
    The in-game text chat costs quite some time, but has the advantage that everybody can use it. Mumble would allow us to communicate much more efficient, but not everybody might use it.
    So, in order to not split up the group in mumbler and text chatter, we should think about some guidelines.
    For that I think we should try it and see how we make sure that everybody stays involved. But for now I think we should look at it like an experiment. If it works out, perfect, if not, let's see what we can change or make better.

    The forum:
    The idea to create Carthaga's own web page has been around for some time. Now I think the city has reached a level of complexity, were also I find that a better platform would be appropriate.
    But like with the chat thingy, I am afraid that an external web page would divide the community. Some would use the web page and some the forums. And what information to present on the web page and what in the forum thread? We would still need the forum thread to be active too, because this way people on the Empire can find us. I think it's a dilemma :/
    The advantage of a web page obviously would be that we can present information much better. For example, the different organizations like Carthaga Times, PoC swat and others could have their own page. Right now their information is scattered all over the forum thread.

    What are your thoughts on that?
    Scorpio528, harsh900 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  13. My Big Ben and Empire State are on my 1st res- SMP8. Please note this res is under re-development so please excuse the mess.
    My mega mall build is on my 2nd residence, move flag is off for everyone but I have given it to you.
    Also I used to have a Christmas Tree so if you would like me to post a pic just say.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  14. Do u go to Carthaga a lot or often
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  15. Some other news:

    I reset up all the beacons in the city. We have now 5 complete iron pyramids with either 4 or 3 beacons on them.
    All beacons are locked and the pyramide rooms are filled up with lava. I hope this helps to protect the iron against griefers.

    Foreign affairs
    Last night the LLO contacted me. They want to collaborate and I invited a delegation to come visit us. Take a look here.
    Rainbowpony1000 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  16. I can help with the website! I might be able to host it as well. My dad owns server space :D
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  17. Hey guys, I think I mentioned this a while back, but due to work/life in general, I haven't had much time for EMC lately. As such I'm taking an indefinite break from Catharga (and a semi-break from EMC). I have received several messages about claiming apartments. I apologize for not responding sooner as I have not checked my messages in quite some time. Please speak with Kai in regards to apartments as I am not sure who is currently keeping up with those. Thanks, see you around! :)
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  18. Hey lindseyd, thanks for the update. I tried to clear your trace from the apartments, but it seems more difficult to erase the collective memory of you being the apt. manager ;) Sorry for the PMs. But I think every body is accommodated fairly well now.
    I took a look at the apartments this weekend and there is still 10+ apartments available (some with locked chests though :oops:).
    Anyway...more space available.
  19. Current missions
    After the great success of the last Current missions, here are the new ones :D

    I want to point out that haastregt has a project named 'The secret of the stunning stone...' which can use some immediate support. So I would appreciate if we could take care of him ;)

    Difficulty level of the building jobs increased and I would like everybody that wants to take over one of the difficult jobs to make sure that they have the skills required. Of course, these give much more points.


    Economy status
    There is a new PoC auction here.
  20. I've got some supplies in town you may want for carthaga, if I have any free time at school (which I doubt...) I will get onto EMC to deliver and might be able help out with a project :)
    Starzival, Kaizimir and SepTheKid like this.