Where's the information about the new games server? D: Lol, also a big congrats to all the new mods and build team members
I loved the charts you linked! I'm actually very pleasantly surprised that there are so many people 30 or older....like me Also, very good to see such a huge portion of players being in the "2 years playing or more" category. This means we have many more friendly and skilled players who love to make EMC their home...thus more likely to bring their friends. Keep up the good work staff and players!
It's that clock head. Congrats to all new team/staff members! I think you'll do a great job. I look forward to seeing the April Contest and the winners of the March contest. I didn't end up entering the March one, but I promised myself that I'd do April no matter what.
so question, does anyone know when name changing is going to be worked? its been months.. and every single server has had that changed for at least a month now... been waiting forever. lol still nothing xD i haven't seen an update on it since it was posted that we can't do it yet, nor have i read anywhere that it's even being worked on?
From my harping on Aikar, what I can tell is that the current priority is 1.8 because it is better to be done before we go in and do name changes. We want to guarantee that nothing gets lost in the moving of the names. Trust me, I'd love to have my new name active as well, but I don't want to risk my items/residence messing up in order to have it asap.
Wow, very interesting results. Some things I definitely did not expect! Anywho, congratulations to the new members of the build team and the new mods. Serve us well!
re: referrals thing - this is why I started the push for MCF and PMC - Any work done on those forums for postings has long term benefits. The posts will constantly be found over time through search results. So its really best to focus on Quality AND Quantity, to increase exposure of posts (Quality is important, as being helpful and friendly is encouragment to try out the server your promoting) ----- name changes: As I posted, I've literally been unable to do anything significant for the past few months. A lot of those servers also just accept bugs / loss of ownership, where as we won't
Congrats everyone!!!! And may I be on the YouTubers team? (Once my YouTube account looks more appealing xD)
You don't need a YouTube channel to be on the team - as long as you have examples to send in to AlexChance. (All info from the original post written by Krysyy. )
Yay, news! Things! Stuff! Looking forward to seeing what all the new team members will do. All this fresh (and old returning) blood will definitely give things a nice shake-up.