Empire Minecraft is still 1.8 - 1.9.4 is near!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. Just asking, what is the status of forge, liteloader and voxel updating?
  2. I now have some follow-up information about the Ender Dragon in Minecraft 1.9.

    - 1 Meter = 1 Minecraft Block

    *The Dragon flies up to a fixed metric radius away from the Exit Portal, which is now at the origin ( 0, 0) ( x, z ). It will not make contact with the End Stone at around Y=63, unless it choses to hover directly over the portal.

    *While perching over the portal, the Dragon will take flight again under one of the following conditions after at few seconds:
    - No player is close enough to her.
    - She has exhaled at least two rounds of breath.
    - No players are within 150 meters from the Dragon.

    *Depending on what causes the Dragon to fly away from the Exit Portal, she'll either continue to soar around the obsidian pillars or charge at the coordinates of a player (she does NOT pursuit the player) and then return to soaring around.
    - By Player Proximity: Charges at a player's coordinates.
    - Other: Flies up and continues circling around the obsidian pillars.

    By the information I've gathered here, players will be safe from the Ender Dragon, if they're at least 200 meters away from the Exit Portal.

    I've done a basic test to see how far away the Ender Dragon flies behind me before turning around. The Dragon charged at me straight, going east.

    From the results, I believe that the Dragon goes about 35 blocks from its target.

    Interestingly, the Dragon also broke blocks below my standing height. This makes me believe that the Ender Dragon can break blocks from up to 5 blocks down.


    Wiki Page:

    God_Of_Gods likes this.
  3. Can I just point out something about what ISAWHIM is saying near the end of their last post. First I am still pretty new hear and I am loving it and cant wait for 1.9 mostly because it will make my ladder ideas work better with trap doors. But on the whole how the waste looks and the frontier. First from the way IN understand it the wasteland is for mining so the fact that it looks messy in places does not surprise me at all. Now what does get me is the how in the rules it stated that the frontier is supposed to look nice but in some place near the spawns it looks like a war zone. That is what I do not get because as it is to really see the Frontier as they intended it you have to go out there pretty far to really see it's beauty.
    crystaldragon13 and ShelLuser like this.
  4. Maybe you have already covered this but is the master thinking about make some sort of public ender dragon farm? That would be a coup.
  5. An ender dragon farm would require you to have a redstone contraption with TNT in dispensers above the crystals, otherwise it'd be extremely inefficient.
  6. EMC is custom coded and will continue to custom code multiple aspects of the game. Yes, it requires a little more time to update, but we do things the right way. We don't mess around and make mistakes for the sake of being faster at an update. EMC is far too precious for that.

    We celebrated our 300k and 400k (not 500k yet) member accomplishment because we love our players and we wanted to acknowledge the growth of the server over time. Over 400k accounts have logged into the server at one point or another. Considering the overall fact that this is still one game of Minecraft, I'd say that's still a damn good accomplishment, regardless of the status of those players right now. People usually don't play one game for 4+ years, yet players on our server have. That's something to be celebrated! And btw we are on top lists, right alongside some of those bigger servers, though our people are much cooler to hang around =P

    During certain times of the day, it's going to be less busy on any server. You've got players that work for a living, go to school, etc. We don't all just sit at home playing Minecraft all day. (That would be pretty awesome if I could do that, but I cannot). We have real lives to attend to. That coupled with being in the middle of an update takes the numbers down just a tad, but I've been online in the afternoon and I still see plenty of activity.

    We don't reset the server completely. It was needed in the past due to a MAJOR change, but now we have the wastelands. Players have poured HOURS into magnificent communities and builds way out in the frontier. We'd like them to stay and the wastelands resets take care of the resource issues. Why delete something so amazing if there is no need to. Our protection does its job and the upgraded protection is going to ROCK!

    TLDR: Read the Wiki and do your research into our community in the present day. We have things set this way, not because we're admins who just 'decided' one day to make it that way, but due to the constant CONSTRUCTIVE feedback from our players, some of whom have been constantly online for 4+ years. You need a few more days before you get back into the swing of things. And if our swing isn't your thing, then that's fine. But it's the perfect swing for plenty of other awesome people so we'll continue swinging along just fine whatever you decide.
  7. Is that a giant Marlix?
    ThaKloned and ShrinkingMatt like this.
  8. I think it's just a really closeby shot. :)
    ForeverMaster0 likes this.
  9. My experimentations weren't necessarily done to make an Ender Dragon Farm or Battle Arena. I did the testing to share with other players, so that the Ender Dragon doesn't destroy their buildings.

    Keep your Dragon-vulnerable builds 200+ meters away horizontally from the End's Exit Portal.
    MissFable and God_Of_Gods like this.
  10. Forge has a working but not recommended build for 1.9 (not 1.9.2), liteloader's first (failed) 1.9 build was completed yesterday so that could be a week or month away and voxelmap uses liteloader so it can't happen until after that. For macromod users, the dev is Mumfrey who is currently focused on Liteloader. Optifine has 1.9.2 builds out now. Most other mods need a stable Forge or Liteloader build.

    One advantage of the delay in getting 1.9 is the number of extra mods that will be usable when we get there. That doesnt affect most of the population but there are plenty of us who can't live without em.
  11. eh. I think its a rather large majority of us. Those that don't just haven't yet so don't realize how much they are truly missing out :)
  12. I know Krysyy already responded, but there's something in particular I'd like to address as well... Also: I'm not looking for a full discussion (there are better places for that, but.. yeah).

    That's just the thing: most features on EMC are custom coded which eliminates the dependencies on plugins. When it comes to regular 3rd party plugins then EMC only uses a very small selection of those.

    It might seem as if EMC is reinventing the wheel sometimes. I know where you're coming from; I once suggested to Aikar that he'd look into Prism for example. But here's the thing: if you rely on 3rd party plugins then there's an issue whenever a major release gets launched: you'll be depending on the author(s) of those plugins to port it to the new version. And sometimes, more than often, it can result in features getting left out or changed. That could be a deal breaking thing if your server depended on those issues.

    I've seen plenty of servers get stalled into upgrading to 1.8 for example because their main plugins weren't on-par with what they tried to offer. Heck: we're now at 1.9 and there are plugins which aren't even fully available for 1.8 yet!

    Building your own custom features will rule out those problems. Because if things don't work on a new version then you'll have much more chances of finding the cause of the issue and fix it.

    In short: custom features using custom code allows the server to retain those custom features, even if a new version is about to launch.

    Pardon me for saying this but I have a feeling that you don't really know what's living amongst the EMC community. Sure, there are issues from time to time. But what I've seen so far is that the user base is pretty stable in general. Of course EMC gets its ups and downs. During the main seasons we'll see less players, during the vacation periods we'll see an increase, some players go new players join, etc, etc.

    I've been here one year (I know I'm still the newbie) but in general its been my impression that the player amounts are quite steady. We usually sit at approx. 200 players in-game every night, more in the weekends and also a little more when there are events being held. And if memory serves me right we sat at those same numbers last year as well.

    And, uhm, small correction (though based on my opinion obviously): wouldn't it be fair to say that it's more likely that the majority of those "non-members" as you describe 'm would turn out to be alts? ;)

    I've been absent (not in the game) for roughly 2.5 weeks now due to work, before that I've had more serious issues: been absent for 3 weeks due to an Internet outage. I mention this because I feel it gives me a little right to speak up here. Here's the thing: I haven't gone derelict, I also wasn't damned nor isolated.

    I was warmly welcomed back to the server though when I finally could play again...

    Dude.. In case of an emergency then you can always PM Krysyy to explain the situation and ask if she might be able to help you out. I've seen her go out of her way for players (one happened to be a personal friend of mine) and I'm pretty sure no one ever asked her to do that. Yet she did: made sure that he had plenty of time so he wouldn't have to worry about going derelict.

    Have you ever talked to staff?

    Here's the major difference: Aikar can back up his decisions and actions with arguments. Now, it doesn't mean that we'll always agree with those arguments, or that he's always right. But that's also not my point here. EMC staff in general doesn't go "because we say so", at least that's not my impression of the whole thing.

    Sure... If you violate the rules and keep on doing that then they will reserve the right to give you a cool down period "because they say so". Obviously. But behind every action is a solid reason, and all you have to do is simply ask.

    As to leaving players... Things are hardly as black/white as you portrait them. Sure; its too bad when a player leaves because he doesn't like EMC. But that doesn't make his opinion more important than those who do. There is also something such as agreeing to disagree.

    And lets face it: I personally think that EMC is the best server ever run, but I'll also be the first to say that its probably not for everyone. I've seen friends of mine who tried the server but didn't really like it. Hey; each to their own! But the main thing for a server is stability. A steady player base who are enjoying their time here.

    Well, I guess we don't fully agree on that part (fair enough) but as I said earlier: I get the strong impression that EMC has just that. And more; they also got a huge amount of dedicated players who will go out of their way to try and help out if they can and make the server even better than it already is.

    Bottom line...

    If you strongly feel that some things could be improved, then why not try to step in yourself?

    I got a little upset with the way griefing was handled, like you I also imagined existing solutions which are quite superb (I'm a big fan of Prism for example). And told Aikar about 'm. Here's the thing: they're going to roll their own solution and I can respect that. So instead of complaining that Aikar never took me up on my advice I decided to dive in head first and try to improve on some things myself.

    Next thing you know GRIP is a thing and we've helped out plenty of players.

    Of course I have to admit that some bias is also an issue: I'm also very impressed with the way residence protection is being handled. In a way I'd say that EMC residence protection easily rivals the features of WorldGuard for example.

    Alas... my 2 cents on the matter.
  13. It will be ready when it ready take your time
  14. This is one of the main reasons I have no problem with delayed update. By the time we do update most mods are out. That and it's better to have a stable EMC :p
  15. * Gives a standing ovation to Krysyy, Biteme, Bara, and Shel* and I'm sorry if I left anyone out here (hitting the biggest writers lol) .. =/ but you & we know who you are =] <3

    I have been here for a bit and I love it here. I love the people and the community we created and as with any community anywhere.. it moves and flows as it will.. sometimes lots of activity and other times there's a quiet lull as we go about doing our thing and just enjoying being here and our friends we've made. I myself have made some wonderful friends here .. sometimes they go elsewhere for a bit but they always come back 'cause.. lol .. it's home. <3
    btw ~ As stated before so many times .. I never have a problem waiting for Aikar and the Dev team to be sure things are up to par before proceeding with any update. Having to clean up a mess is soooo much harder than just doing it right the first time. k.. I'm done for now cause I gotta get my butt back to work. :p
  16. No more dragon tombs?
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  17. 1.9 takes priority over dragon tombs as more of the new players will be on 1.9 I assume, making emc less desirable. I just thought this up while playing another game, not gonna see if this makes sense.
  18. I will have to say it does get annoying switching between the different versions. I mean do nt get me wrong I love Empire craft and playing on a server. However sometimes I do like playing solo or n my cousin's relm and I have to be on 1.9 for the realm and solo is not as much fun on 1.8 now that i have played it on 1.9 XD. But I can wait till the server switches and enjoy 1.8 again until then
  19. Fortunately I don't do much in single player besides test builds so I have not had to do much switching between versions of mc.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  20. Aah. I choose EMC over MC. I actually played with 1.9 for a while and testing server commands and all, but I resigned to EMC, only "looking at the menu" (changelogs) since then.

    I guess we can call that fidelity? Loyalty maybe? Lol.. I still love 1.9 for all the added features and rebalancing that was done. But EMC is better, and my dad doesn't have to ask me to turn on my server, EMC is 24/7 lol.

    Is there another thread to chat about MC1.9 in general?
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