Empire Blog - What do you want to read?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. I've not been in EMC very long (3 months?), so I was not here for so much EMC history.

    I have figured out most of what i need to know about EMC technical differences from Vanilla, and know a lot about vanilla minecraft as well. But I am always learning something new, always.

    The one big thing I am missing the most in my EMC experience, is knowing it's history. I've asked many times in different formats for someone to share more EMC history. But few have. I hear bits and pieces of things from time to time, like overhearing old people telling stories of long ago. If I knew EMC history, I'd do it myself. :) But I don't.

    So how about some of you silver tongued writers put fingers to keys and word up a history of EMC as you know it? To be posted on the forums as well as the blog. Make it one piece, or post it in pieces as you write it week to week.

    I realise it's not exactly what is most desired on the blog, for various reasons, but it is the one thing I want most.
    607, SteamedEcko and TigerstarMC like this.
  2. I really think it would be nice to have a tutorial on how to build complex things like auto-farms and stuff like that. Not everyone is good at that stuff like me and would really love to see a tutorial on that on the EMC.
  3. EMC History series may or may not be going up over time :)
    607 likes this.
  4. I would like to see the best ways to use item regrouping policy to your advantage, many people dont know why item group together on EMC. Maybe just a short tutorial on the matter.
  5. I would like to see my idea for a blog post to be put in the blog, not by me, but by another contributor.
  6. Feel free to PM one of us :)
  7. I would be interested in some of these topics also Tnx for post Torian
    Torian42 likes this.
  8. How about a Tutorial on how to add custom fonts to make your forum text fancy.
  9. How do you mean? We already have BB codes mentioned under the more tab, you know? :)
    Ark_Warrior1 likes this.
  10. How about a plug for Minecraftopia in the blog. Restate the relationship and key features with a link to their landing pages. Good generic content stuff.

    On the Empire landing pages, I found myself struggling to find the instructions to join. It sounds silly now that I have figured it out, but it wasn't what I was expecting. http://empireminecraft.com/lp/joining-empire/ I suggest that in addition to the link on the side bar that says 'connect', a fifth picture icon that says 'Join Now', but links to the same connection instructions page. Not sure what to suggest for the icon.
  11. Would people be interested in Mobarena, PvP, survival tips and tricks? Or anything specific about Mob arena / PvP?
    607 and NZScruffy like this.
  12. That's a good point Samwich. Given they are all going to be Custom Experiences here in EMC. A little different from any other server.
    607 and samsimx like this.
  13. Id love to see some kind of average price guidelines for certain popular items, possibly even a comparison between the past and present prices and a overall rate of inflation would be cool too.
    SkareCboi likes this.
  14. "28 Unique ways to kill a Momentus"
    "You'll Never Believe what this Marlix was caught doing with an Enraged Creeper"
    "The History of the Dragon Tombs: Part 1 of 100"
    "10 signs it's time to invest in your local Mega-Mall"
    "Our past moderators and where are they now?"
    "Are you ready to live in the Wild? Take this quiz!"
    "Miley Cyrus and Aikar: 10 things they have in common"
    (I could do this for days)
    607 and chickeneer like this.
  15. Im really interest in this one "Miley Cyrus and Aikar: 10 things they have in common"
    Could this get full priority.
  16. This is good stuff. Well... Most of it #MileyCyrus
  17. I think posts generally covering the unique features of EMC that are not part of the core Minecraft game may not only be helpful to those of us who are already playing here, but may also help draw new people in if they read about them. Each feature could be a separate post:
    Shop System
    Vault pages
    Custom mobs
    Supporter perks
    Residence system
    Muliple servers
    Server Commands
    Chat System
    Live Map
    Community Events
    Promo items
    Special Drops
    Mail System
    Player Settings
    Anti-lag enhancements (Entcount)
    kevdudeman likes this.