[QUOTEDwight5273]Buttros, Angel5150,RainbowDashier,Sephirothws and continuous other Smp5iers. Who started on Smp5 when it a newly open Smp but live moves on and we meet new members.[/QUOTE] Well said. Still sad though
I was around EMC when Copher was given his title of He Who Shall Not be Named. And if you were given that title, you would have had to do something really stupid, and chances are, you would be banned.
I miss XxBoWnZxX666 and D3r3k_fawns. D3r3k still comes one every so often, but not to the point of legitimate activity.
I think a bump is an order. I shall miss everyone who can no longer be active in our community due to other engagements.
I miss malicai12 (pardon if spelled wrong). his last day was the day i joined. I was at battmegh's outpost and i saw some chests they used to share. oh the feels