EMC Official Art Thread

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by Green_Mystery, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. marknaaijer and PandasEatRamen like this.
  2. yay!!
  3. angry-no-l.png
    HylianNinja and PandasEatRamen like this.

  4. Sorry about the quality. This is a manga style drawing of mine.
    Steven7485 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  5. All i can do is draw boss manga dragons and stuff... LOL
  6. I'll try to post some... I am so bad at art though...

  7. Something I did in Art a while back. Used tempera paint, colored pencil, and some acrylic (for shiny parts).
    Edit: Oh, and I used coffee and salt. Yes, I used coffee :D
  8. Hmmm... Can anyone see that?
    If not, can you tell me how to fix it? It's a painting I did in paint.
  9. If it's from imgur, link the final URL that you get when clicking it, not the image on the actual Imgur gallery. :)
  10. That is awesome!
  11. Erm... Im at school and imgur is blocked. What now?
  12. Wait till you get home? ;)
  13. Did it on my school computer ;)
  14. Email it to yourself and open it at home. If you don't have email, you could always just take the computer image.jpg
    jacob5089 likes this.
  15. I has bumpies for dis thread, sorry about the bad picture quality.
  16. This looks like it's a 5 mins MS Paint Drawing, but it took me a lot longer.
    It is inspired off something MrLegitIsLegit posted on the funny picture thread.
    Spah's Sappin' Mah Scent Tree!.png
    jacob5089, Enzler and PandasEatRamen like this.

  17. I am very proud to have drawn Vinyl Scratch and have her look decent.