EMC Official Art Thread

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by Green_Mystery, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. monicle.jpg
    I drew this a while ago on a Chrome app called PsykoPaint, implied by the emblem. Now they're trying to make money off the app so it's not half as good. :(
  2. Here is a pic i love to use a my mobile's background i took it back in 2009 with my old blackberry was winter, during a calm in a blizzard we were having! 231_33865740022_6787_n.jpg
  3. Some more of my works of art drawings and photos 231_33865805022_189_n.jpg 231_33865780022_8300_n.jpg 149_14155890022_4641_n.jpg
  4. Jimbonothing64 and 607 like this.
  5. very nice :p
    607 likes this.
  6. Actually, that panda is eating Ramen.
    Hello, Stacey.
    607 likes this.
  7. Oh oops :p It looks kinda like soup, not Ramen
    Enzler, Jimbonothing64 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  8. A picture I drew of my future pet llama and myself watching a shark jet-pack into the sunset.

    *muscles not to scale
  9. That's pretty awesome!:)
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  10. Applause for randomness
    Xenonrai likes this.
  11. Clap*clap*clap*
    Chascarrillo likes this.
  12. I found this funny image and decided to make sequels...

    gotyournose1.jpg gotyournose2.jpg
    EDIT: Accidentally drawn his back in the last one :|
    Mirr0rr, goreman2000, 607 and 2 others like this.
  13. My name isn't stacy.
  14. Then why did you sign the drawing with 'Stacy' then?? :eek:
  15. It looks like Stacy, but its not. I have sloppy cursive.
    607 likes this.
  16. Hello Carey :)
  17. Yes, that's my last name, the S is my the first letter of my first name.
    607 likes this.