EMC Dragon Tombs Info

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Aug 27, 2012.

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  1. Claiming wild land. eeeeh not my thing i dont think its realy that fair.:confused: But the dragon arena is good goood gooood goooooood. but even if i could find one i would die. :( Im a bad fighter i get killed all the time. But maybe i can get my friends to do it for me :D
  2. Better yet - You could do it with your friend :)
  3. What part of it is not fair? Everyone will have equal chances to claim land in the wild -- that's fair.
    Everyone will have easy access to resources in the wild without worrying about running into protected land left and right, so that's also still fair.

    Many of our current players desire to play in the wild currently, but griefing makes it un fun. It's unfair to them that they can't claim a res in wild and be protected from griefing in the same way people can claim a res in town.
    Call_Me_DeJaja and marknaaijer like this.
  4. Wow! Can't wait for the update :) Bring it on, Enderdragon!!
  5. Questions: Will the portals move after a period of time? Are the portals Temorary? Are they close to spawn or are they located all over the infinite world?
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  6. they are all over the infinite world. And yes they will move.

    Currently planned to be weekly, the system will remove any created but unused portal then reseed more as the world loads.

    And im surprised noone's asked yet.... but yes we will put very good checks in to ensure a portal is not placed on someones building. :)

    Or players who are crafty can learn the conditions for portals and intentionally do things to increase their chance a portal will spawn near their base... ;)
    godog4, Call_Me_DeJaja, nab27 and 4 others like this.
  7. Well, you can currently build ungriefable buildings in the wild, at a prodigious rupee cost, if you build it it out of locked furnaces. So it's not ENTIRELY impossible, just hugely impractical.
    godog4 and creepincreepers7 like this.
  8. when will it begin?
  9. kk, and how big would the wild Safe-to-build places be?
  10. Do the moderators decide where portals appear or is it a random occurance? I would hate for a portal to spawn in someones base and ruin it!
  11. I JUST posted about that lol.

    Read up :)
    creepincreepers7 likes this.
  12. Haha excellent thanks Aikar!
  13. How about French Vanilla with chocolate syrup and fresh strawberries. Not quite vanilla anymore but still yummy.
  14. I was taking the Michele out of the people that religiously state that every time an update or suggestion is made,
  15. Sorry to ruin you and Michele's party. I think I find myself thinking similarly about the ongoing debate over the ice cream analogy. It's all good. Except for peanuts. No peanuts in my ice cream!
    creepincreepers7 and chickeneer like this.
  16. Me and Michele like to Party
    Pab10S likes this.
  17. I agree, no peanuts. We would't want someone to be allergic to EMC and die
  18. Based on one of Aikar's comments, I'd like to request a screenshot of the portal using a default texture pack.
    michael102 and creepincreepers7 like this.
  19. I will see if I can... is it the first picture?
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