Dragon eggs gone wrong

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Spyrovsgnorg, Jun 16, 2014.

  1. You keep referring to them as 'cheap'. But they are not going to be as cheap as you may think. Ultimately price is determined by the players, but the token price is going to be much more than you currently have. *Token price has not been determined yet*.
    607 and Bro_im_infinite like this.
  2. I 100% agree.
  3. dang someone offered me 200k for a regular dragon egg before... I have to find him quick!
  4. so your telling me that the new 1,s will be lored and the regulars wont?
  5. Doesn't sound like a promise, but it's an idea.
    chickeneer likes this.
  6. this would be a good idea aswell again

    Kinda rude
  7. It's just a joke where he continuously offered me 200k for an egg and I never sold it to him. He put context aside and gave a spin to an inside joke I guess. :p
  8. whats rude to me is your idea that basically says my hours of work murdering hard monsters is somehow worth less then you or anyone capitalizing on an auction or afking at a gold/iron farm and making 100-500k (the range of prices ive seen the old dragon eggs go for) personally i think either neither should be different or only the ones EARNED through tokens should be lored
    Gap542 likes this.
  9. -Original Dragon Egg

    -Dragon Egg (the standard one that came after original.)

    -Dragon Tomb Egg
  10. im not saying they should be better i personally think the older 1,s should be recognized because they are at least a year old and im only about 150 days old on here makeing me quite young for emc and getting a dragon egg was hard work so im just saying the older 1,s should be better then any new one,s

    but there will be the dragon tombs aswell and if its just the enderdragon it would be quite too easy
  11. pick one
  12. hehehe, it won't be just the enderdragon. SPOILERS!!! Hahaha.
    607 and bloodra1n like this.
  13. what i mean is the older 1,s should be a bit better then then the new 1,s

    chickeneer is there any way we could do this friendly and like vote on this
  14. why tho? it isnt hard to make 500k plenty of noobies do it. in fact cod4hoogie did it and he is only a few weeks old. you can even buy rupees with real cash at the moment and there are sales all the time. meanwhile earning them through tokens is going to take apparently more tokens then any of us currently have (and some of us have 40k supposedly) which meant they had to put in long hours of work. why should mine or anyone actual gameplay time be worth any increment less then you or somebody purchasing rupees?
    607 likes this.
  15. ... what do you mean by better? lol. Functionally they should/will be the same...
    Ultimately what is 'better' is up to the community; not something staff can determine.

    The administration team will review the suggestion, and go from there ;)
    607 likes this.
  16. it was very hard getting 555k
  17. so what your saying is that i can put up a voteing thread if im getting this right?
  18. it is very hard killing more then 6 bosses on difficulty 10 too, and takes alot more time and planning so again why are you considering your time worth more then mine?
    607 likes this.
  19. You technically can make any thread you want *within the bounds of the rules*. I just don't think it would be necessary for something like this - not really that controversial.
    607 likes this.