Discussion: ICC Tribute Centerpiece?

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. Let's take a look at what ICC was known for:

    -Horse ManEwwer (I think)
    -Dragon/Super Dragon Poop

    He had contests to show off his Cow Canvas. One was Cow Heads I believe

    Putting those together, I get:

    A single cow in a 60x60 residence.
  2. With lots of fecal matter dotted around the residence also :p
  3. You guys are being gross.
  4. How so?
    Equinox_Boss, GloriousKoch and 607 like this.
  5. large stacked cow heads
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. With beacon pyramids embedded in the tips so it looks like it's shooting streams of milk. :p And, of course, TNT everywhere.
  7. Hold on, does ICC want this to be serious or fun?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  8. A cow in a snowglobe that is snowing inside and random snowballs occasionally hitting people near it.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. TNT Pyramid. Nuff said
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. A giant cow with its mouth open shooting ice cream bullets from it!
    Along with a set of beacon milk udders :rolleyes:
    And stuff it with tnt.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  11. "A GAINT set of cow UDDERS"
    Meh.. Okay bro..
    Equinox_Boss, Xinn and SepTheKid like this.
  12. I feel an icecreamcow tribute res is unnecessary on Emc does anyone else agree
    Equinox_Boss and Elite like this.
  13. I felt the same way tbh; Tribute is an act to show admiration and respect ... you can show respect without a visual representation...

    To me, it's just taking up another res; and the reasoning behind 'making' the tribute isn't even for a justifiable, 'respectful' manner, it's just doing it because there was one done for Justin...

    Justin left emc... and Jeremy stopped playing emc more and more until basically the only times he comes on now is to troll...

    Yeah, you can recognize the good things they've done for emc... but so have hundreds of other players

    Commemorate a few players that only cared about themselves, and no longer care about emc?

    Or commemorate the players who stuck with you until the end?

    This whole thing seems incorrigible; I respect a few things Jeremy 'has' done ... but imagine 'this'

    say you fall through and make the tribute res...new players come through and they see the res and they're like "who's ice cream cow?" .... and you reply "oh he was one of the original founders" ... usually they respond "oh, where is he?" or something similar, making the whole situation for you to respond seem awkward.

    new players could care less, and the older players all have mixed responses towards them (some good, some bad)
  14. You know, you make a really good argument here... Although I've taken a lot of debate classes, even I can't come up with a counter-argument :/
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  15. Make a section to what ICC has brought to EMC (Ex: Promos and Creature Capture)
    Equinox_Boss and DaemonSpadeXD like this.
  16. Come on now Elite. Grow up. :)

    For those who don't hold weird silly grudges for weird reasons (I'll leave those details out...not the place for it), I want to thank you for the gesture. As most of you know me, for the person who asked, definitely have fun with this. Minecraft is meant to be fun and silly, not super serious.
  17. He speaks! He is alive! :eek:

    EDIT: Just because I can't come up with a counter-argument doesn't mean there isn't one ;)
  18. Not saying I should or shouldn't have one, but if it helps you understand it a bit more, think of it like how Steve Jobs will always have a 'presence' of some sort in Apple since he was the founder of it. It's not meant to be anything more than something fun for the players to do. If you don't like it, simply ignore it and don't participate. :)
  19. To be fair, Steve Jobs died of cancer, which is a different casecenario.

    Joking aside, GKJ has put a huge ammount of effort into forming EMC, and while everyone has had their differences, it is only fair to pay Mr. Koch respect.

    However, I think there should be a single tribute build to all former EMC staff. While GKJ and Justin have played a huge role in EMC and deserve tributes, everyone who has ever worn a shade of green, dark blue, or purple, deserves permanent recognition.
    What I always say is that he is on to greener pastures.

    In regards to veteran community repsonce, it is really something we just have to move past from. The community (both parties) seem to hold an extreme grudge still, and it is honestly childish we have not moved on. Differences aside, GKJ has done a lot, and deserves some recognition. I have been responsible for a lot of problems, and I feel guilty that I caused so much drama, however, I have moved on. It is an old issue, and we can evolve past it. If I did, anyone can.
  20. Nothing like a giant set of cow boobs to show your admiration and respect for someone. :rolleyes: