[DEBATE] PVP servers and shop updates

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Herbrin3, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Did I tell you I got banned from a Server ran by kids because I said Skyrim is not the best game ever
  2. Can you be more specfic? This better AT LEAST be over 30k, as alot of the people who dedicate all of their EMC to to economy have millions, and then they would just claim large areas, and then we would have all the little nooblets wanting large plots of land. I can also imgaine, if we were tekkit, then someone would make a HUGE mining operation, and get loads of stuff, lol.
  3. If we allow PVP, Im getting out of all the wild communities Im in, and fall back to the town, even if PVP is allowed only on 1 server, people might start pouring lava on people more often in the wild. I know they will get banned, but I have stuff that is very valuable in my inventory.
  4. um can I say that we all should just wait and see what happens.. I have been taking breaks from EMC because they didn't have PvP and tekkit. If we we're getting these servers I know thousands maybe even tens of thousands of people would join. if you don't like it get used to it the world doesn't revolve around you and your tastes. if Aikar has the coding skills let him do whatever the heck he wants and ENJOY it.. Some people need to keep moving forward and stop getting caught up in the old.. that is all.
  5. No, this isn't going to happen.

    People who desire killing others will simply play on the PVP server. Why do it somewhere and get banned when you can do it elsewhere and not get banned?

    The people who would do it are doing it to grief, and PVP server or not is not going to impact them, they are griefers and dont care about the rules.

    Just wait... Why would we tell you something that could change tomorrow? We're trying to be generic to give you the overall idea, but specific implementation details are not always a good idea to release until its completely done and shipping out the door.

    As I've said, we've already solved the problem of people trying to "grief" with protected land... It will not be an issue.
    There will be other stuff involved for claiming land that is more involved than just throwing rupees at it, and of course it will have its limitations to prevent abuse.

    Plus, If we were to add a Tekkit server, it would not be connected to the SMP's, so it doesn't matter if they get loads of stuff, they won't be able to use it on SMP =P
  6. There are already people who pour lava on people in the SMPs.. They are called griefers. I am a mod on a pvp server, but I don't pvp.. People see me, but they rarely see me fight although I have carried around swords with me on that server, for protection. But other than that, I don't do pvp.. Just because there is going to be a pvp server, it doesn't mean that things will change. Yeah we are allowing PVP on this new server, but have you not noticed that the prior denial of PVP on EMC has made it grow stagnant? People moved into the wild to get away from the uniformity and predictability of the town.. And then argued tooth and nail with people who want to reset the wild for the sole reason that they wanted closer temples emeralds to be closer so that they didn't have to do work to get there, and many of the people wanted to reset the wild merely to destroy the grieflands which would reappear in a couple of weeks anyways. The only way to keep ahead is to evolve with the cultures surrounding ones self..
  7. People dont make sense. They say "Oh I like to play pvp" when they rage quit all the time. I (personally) think that when you be ban on the PvP server, I'd say you dont get banned on the Smp's... I would Highly suggest you link the Square chat place with the pvp. It helps the mods see what ppl are swearing/etc.
  9. Fair enough. I am seriously tired of the lack of information though, on everything. Though mark my words. The town will fall to a noticable degree. And when they do, you will be all like, " UMG! YOU WAS RIGHT PROPHET! HAZ MY RUPEIZ! "
  10. Lack of information? We have been pouring information out to you guys... Were not going to give information that isnt final, you have to deal with that... its not lack of information if the information technically doesn't exists yet...

    We push it when were decided on it.
    Happyshopper and LZBZ_DW like this.
  11. Honestly I feel the town has been "failing" as you say, for a while. But this is just my observation and how I feel. If you go to SMP7 you have LLO, you have The Umbrella Corp. I see posts popping up all the time for wild communities. Most of the people who I see sticking to the Wild, can hardly stand being in town anymore. They prefer the Wild. No spam, more space to build things, you don't have giant dirt towers taking up a 60x60 plot. When I was in town, I just kept having to fill my ignore list. I have only had to put maybe one person on my ignore list while being in the wilderness. Everyone works together as a group more than they seem to do in town.

    Edit: http://empireminecraft.com/threads/smp7-jungle-outpost.5159/ 250 pages of posts from some people who would agree with my last line.
  12. While I disagree that there is a lack of information (see the thread on the new shop system and how it was rethought from the ground up based on community feedback), I do not disagree that there is little to no organization in the information presented. The content is there, but the organization is non existent.
    I requested that we organize these thoughts a bit better in a suggestion thread, but it has received no reply as of the time of this post.
  13. Sorry, I phrased that wrong. I mean personnaly. I don't check these forums enough.
  14. Hey guys guess what. I'm not the bad guy in this thread!
    AlexChance, oidgod and PandasEatRamen like this.
  15. From what I gather, evidently I am. MUAHAHAHAHAH!
  16. Well you did admit that you like to argue and that those who build in the wild are entirely at fault for their stuff being griefed and you have wild colony supporters posting here :rolleyes:
    SecretAznEks and LZBZ_DW like this.
  17. I like to argue since I plan on being a lawyer. The get to yell alot. And its true. They knew it was unsafe. Unless if they were complete knuckleheads.
  18. Debating is not arguing.

    Arguing = Trying to make a point without keeping your emotions in check

    Debating = Honest two way communication where nobody gets upset over being challenged or their views being doubted.

    As soon as emotion enters into it, it is no longer a debate.
  19. Responded, it is coming very soon. I've already drafted it all, but just waiting on Justin to give his approval on it and maybe add/edit things.

    Please bear with us though as this is sort of a new procedure for EMC with giving out so much information way ahead of releasing it, and i'm also the worst when it comes to presenting things to the public... I think too technical, which is why I asked numerous times on the shop thread for someone to please write up a more noob friendly version :p

    But we can shame ICC for not doing it himself.
  20. Don't forget Eternia! But nearly all my members have been inactive lately :( But after wild updates I plan to rebuild it up :)