[DEBATE] PVP servers and shop updates

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Herbrin3, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. *raises hand*

    I'll build a shoe or a squid ;)
    Maxarias likes this.
  2. I have a suggestion regarding the shop system - could a separate tab be included into the chat? Otherwise the lists and such will take up the whole scrollthingy, especially when buying multiple items.
  3. Servers can not modify the client like that, but hopefully we can in 1.4 and it is possible 1.4 will be out before shop system is done...

    If 1.4 is going to be how I envision it, we would be able to create special GUI's for stuff like the shop system as a client side plugin, and all players connecting would automatically receive it.

    Then we can make things even easier for usability.

    For now though the plan is to limit it to first 10 results to prevent over spamming the log.
  4. Question to aikar:

    Will aikar.co be connected to the SMP's? Like when you do /who smp6, would you do /who [ PvP server name here ]
  5. So was the idea of having it on the website scrapped?

    In that case, what will determine which result gets to the top of the listings?

    The PvP server sounds well thought out by the way :)
  6. Wait... If the shop update is AFTER 1.4, a d the PvP update is even farther, why are we discussing it? That's almost as crazy as those wackos talking about presidential election a year after the new guys term starts.
  7. Well I stated we didn't bring it up because its a good bit aways, but the players brought it up is why its being talked about.

    But 1.4 could be within 2 months... which is reasonable timeframe to see the shop system in development.
    The wild updates come first, and I have MAJOR plans for that.
  8. I honestly haven't been too active recently, so I don't know EVERYTHING, but here's what I got so far. People wanting PvP is nothing new, I remember a few friends grumbling when I told them that EMC didn't have PvP. And from what I've heard from other players, this will really be the first time that EMC tries to make PvP to please the crowds. So, forgive them if, before they've even launched the PvP server, there are some doubts with their plans. That is what we have the forums for - for us to come along and say, "Hey guys, I have a little bit of an issue with what you plan to do here and here is how I think you could fix it." For example, the obvious issue of PvP feuds carrying over into SMP is a big issue. However, if my eyes don't deceive me, Aikar talked about removing both nameplates and customizable skins by disguising players as mobs. Yet I still see people complaining "If I kill someone in PvP they'll give me tons of grief when I'm minding my own business on SMP." There will be problems with the PvP system: nothing is perfect. But I'm positive that once they launch PvP, they will accept constructive criticism to improve the servers. So it, like pretty much everything else in EMC, is and will be up for improvement.
  9. Lets also note harassing players on SMP over them killing you in PVP will get you banned :)
  10. Wouldn't it be cool if you make a game which lasts about 24 hours where your team spawns with NOTHING and you are 1,000 blocks away from the other team and you have to get resources and fight to the death!

    Also here is something BF3 will get:
    Minecraft should make Minerecorder (Currently useless) public!
  11. That sounds interesting.. Has any information on these major plans been released yet?
  12. some stuff is still in discussion and some issues still have to be worked out... but currently discussing that in staff.
  13. Ah right, I'll look forward to it. Thanks
  14. Why exactly are the Wild updates first? It seems as if everone wants it the exact opppsite they are coming out. The want PvP first, then shop, then wild. So what drove you to pick that order? Was it just the order they weree suggested?
  15. Wow, random world gen looks great. Multiple game-types? Awesome. Can't wait. I really hope "zombies" is a game-mode, as in Halo zombies or infection.
    One player starts out as a zombie (maybe faster than the rest, or some other perk) and can infect the other players by hitting them. The other players have bows to try and stop the zombies. If you get hit by the zombie, you become a zombie, and the last Steve remaining wins.

    I like all three updates personally, but out of the three in order of most favorite to least favorite IMO:
    1) PvP (I'm not a build PvP fan, but what is being proposed sounds awesome)
    2) Wild updates (We need something to help protect our wild communities)
    3) Shop (I'm tired of having to spam chat to find out who sells X, since I don't buy things very often)
  16. I would hope they did it in that order but I don't think they will
  17. Your fundamental faculties arent sufficiently sofisticated enough to comprehend my philosophies on PvP :D
    AlexChance likes this.
  18. All that and no apostrophe in "aren't".
    MR2R2M likes this.
  19. Mhm, and we all know that the crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe.
    LZBZ_DW and MR2R2M like this.
  20. Wow, well played sir. I doubt our younger members have any clue what you are talking about though.
    Have you ever given ol' Don Van Vliet a listen (Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band)?