[DEBATE] PVP servers and shop updates

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Herbrin3, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. I think you guys are underestimating our staff's dedication here. One of our biggest compliments I get is how active and in tune with things our staff is. The reason servers fall apart when they try and do things that turn into anarchy, is their staff isn't all there and they just add things willy nilly. We take the time to make sure things are done right and then properly maintain it.
    sneeker134 likes this.
  2. Because doing as you state Josh would be Harassment and being a pain in the chat :)

    But now that you mention it, we could implement the ability to ban people from the PVP Servers. If people mishave due to PVP, we could then just ban them from PVP only since they demonstrate they can not be mature enough to keep PVP actions on the PVP server. (But would still be banned from SMP if they PVP on SMP)

    It has nothing to do with what I personally desire. These updates are based off of my experience.. I've been doing MMO games for a while now, and I'm a VERY technical person. I can understand the science behind things and understand WHY they work this way.

    Based off my experiences for years now, these "worst case scenarios" that people are trying to throw at us to stop the idea simply don't happen.

    It's not 10 million on 1 world. They balance out around 2-5k I believe from initial research.
    But the point was there's more opportunity for people to misbehave, and I assure you, WoW is full of immature people.

    EMC is French Vanilla, which means some modification but keep to some basics.

    The teleportation idea is to be based around the same concept of the current 4 outpost we have officially, but let players create their own...

    This isnt something you can move easily, so you still have the same risks/need to travel, just instead of doing it at X 10000 and Y 10000, walk out 1k blocks and mine, then walk back, you could do it at -50,000, 60,000, walk 1000 blocks, mine, return to your outpost and teleport back to town.. It's just letting players choose the location of a new outpost instead of us adding more to spread out the destruction of the wild, but at the same time giving people some control over who can use them.

    We will not be adding any form of /tp or /back commands.
  3. I'm confused:

    an·ar·chy   [an-er-kee]
    1.a state of society without government or law.
    2.political and social disorder due to the absence of governmental control: The death of the king was followed by a year of anarchy. Synonyms: lawlessness, disruption, turmoil.

    In what way does adding PVP mean the EMC staff will disappear?
  4. I am terrible with quotes, so Ill just state it. Your sentence in fact, just stated that you think you DO know whats best. You just said basically, " I have alot of expeirince with MMOs, and I am a technical person. Therefore, my experieince reflects what is best. " You may have not meant it by that, but thats how it came across to me.

    I am not exactly sure what you mean, but what from I gather, it is better then I thought it was going to be. So you can set an outpost, where you can build, just like a protected res, and you can use this as a wild base of ops, away from pesky noobs. But how are people going to see it, just a TP from wild spawn? Like /v w Aikar? But if you do this, its again, just replacing the town. Protected area, larger, and near prescious resources. You can make things mob proof, so all you need to worry about is fall damage. What is the balance to keep players in town? Or the cuts to the system? Also, I am finding it frustrating that in your arguement, you are hitting me with things that I don't know yet, lol.
  5. My main point was that experience and evidence backs our viewpoints of the features, where as the other sides against it are throwing "worst case scenarios" without any proof to back it to show its a common thing.

    Shop System: Every MMO does it the way we are pushing towards, every other MMO's economy is fine for the most part (damage done is usually due to exploits such as duping)

    PVP: Many MMO games have PVP, that players on PVE (SMP in our case) servers can still opt in to when they feel up to it. Everything is fine with their games... Sure some get a little too involved, but its no big deal and is over in 20 minutes anyways.

    Wild: Minecraft is unique so its hard to relate to other games, but the point of the matter is the wild _IS_ minecraft. Town is a non vanilla feature, the wild is the core of Minecraft. Our players want it, and the changes do not force you to settle into the wild.

    If many people go into the wild and we end up with town being less active, then that shows the players prefer the wild and they are happier - that is a win for us... Locking people into a playstyle they do not prefer is not the answer.

    To answer last part, then why debate it now? :) Could wait until we are ready to bring it forward...

    But to give current standing (note full on details on changes are not all fully set in stone so it could change), but the baseline is to take the idea suggested by players months ago to let players create a personal outpost (that behaves almost just like the current 4)

    Players can choose a location in the wild to establish it (has to be a certain distance away from the spawn/outposts), then setup a portal (pressure plate but i've got an idea to bring nether portals back too if possible) that when you step on it itll take you to the outpost... then a portal to go back to town.. Real simple.

    But as for balance... its all about giving player CHOICES. Let everyone play according to their style, and not force them to do something.

    Wild will still have fall damage. A place im building now in the wild has 31 tall towers... I climb up placing blocks as i jump up then jump down. If I didn't have Feather Fall 4 boots, I would die from that fall.

    Plus, There is always risk of mob spawning even if you light up as you could miss a spot, then random creeper comes and blows up your diamond blocks, or a lightning strike sets your wooden structure on fire...

    The point is, there is environmental dangers in the wild that you have to deal with. Many players are satisfied with town and will not bother with the wild colonization, and also the town has more overall features.

    Wild players will still be visiting town to do shopping and most will likely still maintain a town residence... The big deal here is we are giving players options to play the game to the way they prefer...

    Also... Currently many players settle into the wild and never visit town because its inconvenient.. with the updates, they now will be able to visit town more often and actually brings more people to town on SMP7 then their is today.
  6. Ugh. It would be easier to argue if you weren't so optimistic, lol. I am still all for the update, but I just feel its gonna kill the town, which I don't want.
  7. It won't. If anything it will encourage more town activity. People in the wild will now have a REASON to have a residence/go to town. :)
  8. I used to be a serious PvPer on World of Warcraft. I remember this one fellow.. I was on my Warlock outside of Stormwind killing the guards of Goldshire.. It is a town were newbies go to.. Anywho, so in order to engage in PvP in that game, you have to be flagged. I was flagged, and this Paladin came by, and tried to kill me.. Many many times. He tried so hard, and it made me laugh that he couldn't kill me.. Then he called friends, and after juggling them for a little while, I finally died. It was very fun, and of course they jumped around yelling random stuff I couldn't understand. (Factions in that game have different languages)

    So next thing I know the guy logs on a Horde alt, and whispers me "Wow, you're really good at PvP. Think you could teach me how some time?"

    Not always bad.. Other times, I have gotten very very nasty whispers, but more often then not, I got complimented. :)
  9. Sorry I'm a very positive guy :)

    I prefer to innovate and invent, then solve problems as they occur, instead of avoiding risk just to avoid having to solve problems.

    Can't live life without risk.

    It's better for us to go forward, and then solve problems IF they arise, otherwise EMC will grow stale and people will leave.

    But we want players to give us feedback to make us think about things that might of been missed, or ways to make things better.

    But rehashing the same thing over and over again when we've already responded to it doesn't help (not meaning your post, but the others mainly about shop changes)
  10. Mature players?
    Has nobody here played an FPS, or any other strictly PvP game genre?
    Man, if I got mad every time I died in a game at the hands of another player I would be a very angry person. In fact, if I got mad at something so simple, I'd contemplate using my benefits to seek therapy.
  11. What reason is that? This entire thing encourages more and more people to stay out of the town.
  12. Also. Remeber this post, the post that predicted the town will die.
  13. The thing is that when you play PvP, one day you're going to rage quit. Nobody is calm about PvP. If they aare, they're going to "burst" one day.
    People, most of the time, swear on the server I play on. What I'm concern is that when friends play against eachother and they kill eachother, that'll break their friendship. I see this on many servers ( PvP) and everybody seems mad about another person.

    On the other hand, people will compliment eachother sometimes about their kill streak/ Helping someone kill another player/etc. I get this most of the time when I play CTF. I usually help people heal them or kill another player, and I get "Thanks, Creppa" and "Your good, Creppa".

    So what I'm trying to say is that people who aren't mature getting kill time to time shouldnt be in the server. Its just common sense sometimes not to play a server you hate inside of you...
    I totally agree. Aikar makes the server a better place. He goes out of his time to think about what to do with the server, and tries to make his ideas happen. All I see is people disagreeing about his stuff. You can disagree with him, and you can dislike his ideas, but you need to know that he helps the server everyday.
  14. I've looked everything over here, I could see the PVP actually working.. Providing 2 things.

    1. It's moderated extremely well and a moderator steps in at the first sign of trouble

    2. It's loaded up with a heck ton of Anti hacks - Unless you want everyone running around with Aimbot and FastHit with there nodus mod thinking there all cool. .
  15. Two reasons.

    1. In order to protect areas, you're going to have to pay (rupees). One of the easiest ways to get rupees is by using the economy in town. You have to be IN town, of course, to take advantage of that. Wild dwellers will now have a reason to participate in town.
    2. One of the reasons wild dwealers don't use town NOW, is that in order to be safe, you have to go WAAAAAAAY out. A trip back and forth to each for some could take a half hour of real time each way. If we can make this a tad more convenient for them WITHOUT compromising them giving up a good hidden spot, they will have no reason to not use town for things.
  16. What sort of prices will we be looking at?
  17. I agree Creepa. Mainly, this is since instead of merely suggesting the idea, he already says it going to be used. He says it can be tweaked, but feel better if it isn't 100% chance it will be implemented if it goes downhill.
  18. Again. NOBODY tells me whats going on. So here I am, looking an idiot, owned by ICC... -.-
  19. No, town will not die. Many players like myself find it very inconvenient to go to town (it takes 30 minutes of travel for me) so we simply do not go to town..

    After the updates though, I will gladly be in town a lot, as it is no longer frustrating to go between them.

    Yes there will be some bad apples who try to PVP Who really don't like to PVP.

    They will be breaking the rules so they will get punished if they do it. We will very likely have the option to ban people from PVP servers who do not show responsibility to play on a PVP server.

    Our "style" will be in a way it shouldn't be too personal, so it really would only boil down to people who dispise pvp trying to pvp anyways... it is a non issue.
  20. Nothing set in stone yet. We're still working out those details. However, it will be significant. You won't have the privilege of protecting wild areas without having to work for it.