[DEBATE] PVP servers and shop updates

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Herbrin3, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Wow, fantastic!
    To be clear, I don't think that you owe us transparency in to the development side of things, but I appreciate the fact that you guys are presenting as much as you are in an effort to reshape ideas based on community feedback. That's what awesome communities, like EMC, are made of, and since you are already presenting all of this information, I figured it might as well be organized for easy reference and further transparency. Sounds like you were already thinking the same thing, so thank you very much!
  2. Yeah and it pretty much had everything you asked for minus % (since none of my projects have much done in them yet due to my lack of access currently, and I don't know if you can even give a % to the code rewriting justin is doing)

    But the thread gives project, with main points of the update, link to original thread, and a ROUGH ETA on status...
    LZBZ_DW likes this.
  3. Speaking of updates and transparency and such, any word on that automated report system Justin mentioned a while back?
  4. Err... Justin said something to the public about that :confused:? I had no idea... It's something I'm also going to be working on but thats not exactly something that will be coming to the public for feedback.... its just a "hey, we got something new adding magic, better run bad guys"

    The public will not know any details about how that works =P
    SecretAznEks and Tehwafflez like this.
  5. Hrm.
  6. Oh ok, so it was before my ideas were suggested. I didn't know he was planning it before :p But i've got a solid roadmap on it already, which does essentially what is stated.

    But as same thing as Square, our internal tools are not open for public knowledge :)
  7. I couldn't remember the name xD Also they could be inactive since schools are starting back and everyone keeps talking about losing items. I haven't done much because I don't wanna lose things.
  8. From what I have heard they disappear, but don't get destroyed. You find gthem in random chests?

    (On a side note, we were promised that when school started, membership would actually pick up on the servers....)
  9. I dunno, from what I was reading people were taking items from chests to use in crafting tables and the items disappeared.
  10. Happened to me. I lost..... a cake. Oh, the pain. Good news though; picks are NOT able to be used as picks. Sorry, thats what I was crafting, and it went so horriblely wrong, the cakes must have killed themselves.
  11. Using items in crafting tables?
  12. Staff are*
  13. Materials -_- Taking things like Sugarcane to make books, sugarcane would vanish.
  14. That makes more sense haha