Debate/Argue Thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by EvilServerAdmin, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Did you say he might choose? Does it depend on god's mood? You mention that he'll punish you the way you punished the other kid. Does that me god punishes parents who punish their kids too? Does god give parents spankings or...

    Forgive me, but this god fellow sounds kookier than a bag of whirring pizza pies.
  2. Can't stop laughing!
  3. I meant that God might choose to punish you, or he might choose to send someone to change your life not through punishment. He might not choose the same punishment. Might be something completely different. I am personally Christian myself, and believe these things.
  4. I don't think you get the joke he was trying to make about spanking...
  5. Okay, so, I don't know where you came to believe this in your faith as a Christian, which you say in your next post, but this is completely unbiblical. The Bible does not teach the system of an eye for an eye, but rather to turn the other cheek. God does not punish us equally for our sins, He forgives us with his ultimate grace and love for us, through his Son. Thats Christianity, and I'm sorry, but saying something like that can really turn people off from Christianity.
    607 likes this.
  6. I did not mean physical punishment... I meant sending someone to change your life Ina spiritual way.
  7. I do not see what he has done wrong. In my eyes, he has hit the bulls eye
  8. The real problem we face in the world is that while God indeed is all-powerful. He also gave a good share of that power to human beings. We received the gift of free will. This gift enabled us to make choices that affect ourselves and our fellow human beings. The sad reality is that all too often people use their free will to hurt other people, intentionally or unintentionally. Some people in their free will chose to do bad things . . . like break EMC rules.

    It would seem silly to blame God because someone griefed your wild base. Why is it not any less silly to blame God for other bad things that have happend in your life. God gave the griefer the gift of free will. To choose to do good or evil. God does not take away his gifts once he gives them, even if people abuse them.

    So God cannot keep people from hurting you. And they will hurt you. God cannot simply take away that hurt. You will have to take time, maybe your whole life, to go through the process of dealing with the sorrow and pain. If he did, he would take your free will away from you to choose whether to grow from your pain, or to lash out and harm yourself or others (please do not do this).

    Even our wounds are opportunities to use our own gift of free will to say, "I will be a better person. I will be a blessing to others who hurt or are cast down." As the Bible says, once in heaven He will wipe the tears from our eyes.
  9. Lei ha detto "sostengono al mio cuore contenuto" ... Che cosa circa il fatto che mi può parlare solo in inglese su questo sito? E vado a parlare nella mia lingua perché è un argomento muhahaha ... torna al primo posto "vanilla per la vittoria :3'

  10. Le parle il italiano?
  11. Sì, così sai che cosa ho detto? :3
  12. 'murica is the best country EVER. Best economics, really healthy people, many smart people too. Almost all 12-year old children are very mature. Anyone have anything to say?
  13. *Raises hand*
  14. Sarcasm much?
  15. You basically said it yourself-Apple is an improvement-much better.
  16. cdd6b2ea-b26e-45ce-a86a-49435e3641d7.jpg
  17., I never said that.
    I said that the first released apple OS had improvements on itself using knowledge gathered from new minds.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  18. Honestly, I just think that this is a matter of personal preference, and maybe what you grew up with-both machines are great for somethings-Macs can do things that Windows couldn't dream of doing, and vice versa. Just depends what you're looking for in a computer.
  19. candy is better than dying(try to argue against that)
  20. Of course it is! Unless you want to die.