Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by iRupees, Oct 2, 2015.

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  1. Favourite thing about thanksgiving: um... there's often a promo, and that makes me go online on EMC, and I like going online on EMC.
    Favourite thing about the winter: there's much darkness! The days are short.
  2. Post #21

    Fav winter activity, My anniversary ♡
    607 likes this.
  3. My favorite thing about Thanksgiving is that my son was born on Thanksgiving day almost 19 years ago and for that I give thanks.
    My favorite thing about winter is cooking homemade soups and stews with homemade egg noodles.
    Qkazoochan and Kytula like this.
  4. My favourite thing about Winter is Sinterklaasjournaal!
  5. Eating turkey ^-^
  6. Post #22

    Soup season! Creamy potato soup, creamy broccoli, zuppa toscana, mmm I'm hungry now :p
    607 likes this.
  7. 1 of my favorite things about thanksgiving, is what girls can wear, for example, boots and cute sweaters.
    1 thing i like to do during the winter is drink hot cocoa, cause where i live, i don't have snow.
  8. Favorite thing about Thanksgiving - Being with my family
    Favorite thing to do during winter - Probably hang out with my friends or watch it snow
    Thanks for doing this
  9. thanksgiving- I eat turkey and being able to cook with my family.
    winter- I like to hang out with my family and play cars with them every morning.
  10. Cranberry sauce is always great, and I love to look forward to and prepare for Christmas <3
  11. Getting snowed out of school :D
    iNachos10 likes this.
  12. Post #23

    favorite thing to do during the Winter: Use a Sauna, then go for a quick swim :D
    607 likes this.
  13. Favorite thing about Thanksgiving- spending time with my family
    Favorite thing to do in Winter: celebrating my birthday, seeing/spending time with my family
    I live in Florida, so no snow 4 me... :(
  14. I Love EMC because of its kid friendly environment and It's Grief Free Plots of Lands; Res's

    Fav. Block is End Stone because it reminds me of cheese and its pretty
    iNachos10 likes this.
  15. Another thing I really like to do in Winter is eating this:

    (not my picture, but it looks similar to how I like it)
    Kytula likes this.
  16. Post #24

    Snowball fights! lol :p
  17. Candy canes! ^-^
    iNachos10 likes this.
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