Corrupt a wish!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by shade554, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. I like how you instruct him against the very mistake you just made.
    I wish to burst into flames.
  2. LOL I can't believe I forgot but whateves.
    DENIED. You are thrown into a lake.
    I wish to make a cake.
  3. The wheat was a lie and the cake was a very bad bad cake.
    I wish for millions of potatoes!
  4. Granted. They (predictably) land on top of you, crushing you under their combined weight.
    I wish people would play this correctly.
  5. Granted.... Wait NVM DENIED
    I wish I could eat my breakfast.
  6. Granted. Hope you enjoy a literal bowl of nails.
    I wish left.
  7. You go wright! Cuz I'm always right!
    I wish *some* people in this forum would take a chill pill.
  8. (Ninja'd.)
    Everyone does take a chill pill. But, they die of overdose and you become lonely on the forums.
    (Man I failed on this.)
    Your specified people take a chill pill, but they end up turning into zombies, and kill everyone else. And you become lonely on the forums.
    I wish for a fourth signature.
  9. Granted but it blows your mind.
    I wish for SparerToaster to stop being plain rude to me.
  10. Granted.

    I wish wright.
    Granted. I'll be subtle rude instead.
    I wish wright still.
  11. The wish backfires and wishes left.
    I wish for a supercomputer.
  12. Granted. However, it doesn't have any inputs.
    I wish up.
  13. Granted but you fall down.
    I wish for north to be south
  14. Granted. This geomagnetic reversal results in the failure of nearly all electronics and ushers forth the apocalypse.
    I wish I didn't have to go to sleep. EVER.
  15. Granted but you turn into a living zombie.
    I wish for bacon times square.
  16. Granted, but, the magnetic field changed, enabling your dog to breath fire, seriously injuring you!
    I wish for my house to be a mansion.
    (Double ninjad!)
    Granted, but bacon times square messed up all mathematical equations, causing you to fail your test!
    I once again wish for my house to be a mansion.
  17. Granted. It soon rots, leaving New York City a much less appealing location.
    I wish people would click my sig.

    Granted, however, the expenses are simply too much and you go bankrupt.
    I still wish people would click on my sig.
  18. They already do...
    I wish for furries to be extinct.
  19. Granted. However, since furries are not a species, your wish is essentially moot.
    I wish people were less judgmental.
  20. Granted but ur judgement to other people
    I wish to go down