Compass Update / Performance / Bug Fixes - 5/30/2020

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, May 30, 2020.

  1. What happened to Jeb? I swear he was the lead dev since notch left?
    Stnywitness likes this.
  2. Way to think outside the box on these updates and improvements, Dev Team!! Thanks for continuing to spoil us rotten with all these QoL updates and new item-functions! It is much appreciated.

    Also: Welcome back, Critic! It's good to see you around again :D
  3. Late to this thread but read through it a few days ago..

    Thanks to chicken for allowing enraged mobs to stay longer in-game with this new update <3

    Also, I never knew compass was a thing until now. What a cool feature :D
    607 likes this.
  4. I think hes more "above technical" now and prob doing other games too.
  5. On further consideration, this seems quite reasonable. The higher up someone is, the less they'll know about the actual code.
    TomvanWijnen and Egeau like this.
  6. I love the compass Aikar, i think it's quite cool~

    A question though, is it hard on the system to draw and update it realtime? I only ask because I notice it updates at refresh rate much lower than 60hz; it lags behind an amount.
    TheFryedmans likes this.
  7. I think I know what happens, and I find it likely that it will take some time for any Dev to see this (time zone stuff) so I'll respond instead:
    That is, at least partually, your ping. This feature isn't implemented client-side, so all the updates go through the server. That means that this is what happens:

    You move your mose to look around.
    player movement is calculated client-side, so your computer just moves you around in the world in the way you moved, shows you that immedeatly, and then sends it to the server.
    the server does calculations, and, in the next package, sends the information needed to move the compass to center correctly again.

    The only way to make this not lag is to either make a mod that makes you able to run this client-side, or to make a mod that makes your movement calculated server-side, which, believe me, you don't want.
    It would probably work perfectly if the time it took for you ro recieve a message by the server that responds to one of your actions, in short, your ping, to be below 16ms, which it is probably not. It would probably need to be even lower, as the server also takes some time to calculate.

    I actually kind of like the lag. Real-life compasses have lag too, and, with that, it makes it feel realistic. That might be just that I am one of the few people here who have actually used a normal compass in real life... (a did a lot of hiking before GPS on phones was a normal thing, and seperate GPS thingies themselves were a bit expensive still, which is why we used a paper map and a compas...)
  8. What egeau said is accurate. If you want a lag free navigation compass you can still use these commands with the actual compasses. Then it will be real time updated
  9. Thanks for the explanation. It being server-side than client-side? That makes sense and totally explains it. :)

    Makes me wonder if a compass-mod would be allowed on EMC then for those clients who wish to have a lag-free compass? 🤔
  10. I would suggest Xaero's minimap. It's not quite a compass hud, but it's close and already conditionally approved. Link to mod through here.

    And if you have a different one in mind, i think that link (it goes to emc wiki) has a place to suggest mods for review.
    Edit: Request a Mod
    607 and Joy_the_Miner like this.

  11. Thanks Sazuke, I really appreciate your help! ^^ The EMC website never loads correctly for me, it always shows up as this... :\
    Sazukemono likes this.
  12. that's... not really relevant to this thread :p
    If you have uBlock Origin just right click and press block element, that easy
  13. Actually, yes it is. I would have not made my first question about the inquiry about a compass mod instead of using the server's own compass that was included in the update if the site rendered correctly and I was able to click on the appropriate links.

    Hence the inclusion of the image and the explanation.
  14. Make your window really narrow so it shows the mobile view, and then refresh, then you should be able to get to the wifi. :) Or turn off your adblocker ;) EDIT: *wiki, not wifi :p
    Joy_the_Miner likes this.
  15. Thanks for the possible fixes Tom, I really appreciate it~ ^^
  16. Ad's still show over tho
  17. This occasionally happens without adblocker too, but a refresh fixes it. Still, it is inconvenient. :p
  18. Ah, interesting. I actually often have nothing there at all, which I like as it's nice and empty. :p