Community Brainstorming Session 101

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Krysyy, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before, but I would love to have a feature to change the biome in a residence because my water keeps on freezing and it is really annoying. Of course it would cost rupees or there could be an item to exchange for a biome change from mob drops or events.
  2. I have good news :)
    607 likes this.
  3. So I originally messaged this to kryssy but I didn't get any feedback on it.. The quote is another idea that I thought of after I sent the first message but I don't think people thought I was serious about it or something because it was only liked by 1 person and no one even mentioned it... :oops:

    -What do you want to see on the Empire?
    Although I already understand that Dystopia and a game room are currently planned, it would be nice to have a Mob Arena setup that could be used at anytime, without needing staff to initiate it. Like a mobarenas on other servers, maybe that use kit fights or whatever, with rounds for fighting to earn various items. Another idea would have a hunger games event with a large pvp arena and/or even more pvp arenas.
    -What do you want to see on the Forums?
    Possible minigames that could be played on the site for tokens (If they get added later on), rupees and/or small items (Such as gems, food, flowers, blocks, possible minigame unique promo items, maybe even special gear)
    -What contests do you want to see hosted?
    Events like You Invent the Promo, where players submit ideas for promo and players vote on the items in a double-blind vote where players do not know came up with the idea (to hopefully reduce possible corruption and favoritism).
    -What buildings do you want on 120 x 120 residences?
    After Outposts become protectable, Outpost owners could be given the option to be given a portal to their outposts for a fee or whatever, and you could possibly use one of the 120x residences as an outpost hub.
    -What else did I not mention?
    Sponges, we want sponges.. o3o

  4. I personally think Empire Minecraft is perfect but could you guys please work on limiting the beacons effect to only the residence, Thank You!
    Pab10S, Kephras, Parkerjv9 and 2 others like this.
  5. Not a bad idea. But it would be annoying if you have 2X2 plots. Could this be build in a player setting?
    607 likes this.
  6. What do you mean by 2x2 plots there are only 60x60 plots
  7. 2X2 plots attached to each other
    607 likes this.
  8. I'm not getting you
  9. 2x2.. 4 res' connected to each other in a square
    607 likes this.
  10. One thing I'd like done is the Empire Palace on smp7 to be completed. It's been sitting on its plot for two years or so now, but nothing's really been done in all that time.
    Pab10S likes this.
  11. As this is Justin's res, it might need to be revived in it's entirety, but I will talk to other staff about it. :)
    Pab10S and mba2012 like this.
  12. Ohhh thats what you meant, sorry for being stupid.
  13. My native language aint English ^^ xD Dont just flame yourself :D
  14. I suggest mine privately as it involves private offers to emc (hush, hush and shush) :p
  15. Place to sell stuff in the EMC Shop, becuase players offering to buy stuff from you is fine, but some that player will run out of rupees and will need to look for some one else to sell to. It does help others get rupees another way aside of voting which can only get you so much and for the players that don't have the money to donate. It doesn't have to be a high selling prices just enough for low ranking players like myself to get by. :)
  16. Why? There are shops where you can buy and/or even sell yours?
  17. What I meant on my previous post was that if we keep selling stuff to those players, soon they will run out of money themselves and will have to try and make some more. :(
  18. If they notice they are losing a lot of money instead of making em. They have to stop buying stuff from other players.. They should sell stuff at big malls to make their money.

    The big malls that buy your stuff wont run out of money :D
    Example, 2000 at smp1, 19000 at smp9
    607 and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  19. I always have this conscience about these like "I will not make my fortune off the misfortune of others." I do not feel right about getting my money as another person loses his or hers on an economical level. However, when the place I get it from has an infinite money source, then my gloves come off and I will sell everything in the game and the kitchen sink too. ;)