Coming out to my Mom,

Discussion in 'Writers' Corner' started by finch_rocks_1, Mar 11, 2015.


Are you a Transgender also?

yes 4 vote(s) 3.3%
no 109 vote(s) 89.3%
I am not sure 9 vote(s) 7.4%
  1. It was hard for me to come out to my parents that I was bisexual, but they were both supportive. I'm glad you finally told your mom the truth and she was supportive.
  2. I have was born male, But i identify as female. I have not started full time, I am still part time and coming out to friends and family. It is very hard to start it as here in Canada there are a ton of rules and Regulations that the gov set in place. I want to follow these rules as they will pay for my Hormones, and even my SRS after the 2 years going full time. I still have to pay for the other surgeries if i want to get any. I have been researching (Ye Son) They are a Voice Fem Surgery. Since my voice is very low it is very hard and painful to strain my voice to sound right. The surgery for that costs 7830 USD plus the flight. Then I have been researching Laser Hair Removal to remove body hair. I have also looked into Breast Surgery as well as FFS to change aspects of my face to more a fem shape, as well as remove my Adams Apple. The FFS costs depends on what has to be done, Can range from 5000-200000 USD. Breast surgery ranges from 8000-10000 Depending on the type, size, and Location of the implant. Then SRS costs 15000-24000, so you can see it is very costly, The HRT Costs around 5k a year, If i go through the proper stages i save money.

    That should kinda answer your Question. :p

    P.S. Ask away, I don't mind the answers, as long as they are not insulting.

    I have a Father, The reason the letter is to my mom only is My father has known as i came out to him at age 8 when my parents where divorced. I just never came out to my mom at the time, until last night.

    To answer your Second Question, I know i am a Girl as i Identify as a Woman. I hate being a male so much. I left certain things out of the letter that i wish to not tell my mom for a long time. Some of them include the fact that I have attempted Suicide, and thought about it several times. I Hate having male parts that I was thinking of cutting them off myself. Worst part is when i was growing up, my body started to grow hair, and my voice got deeper, I always loved having long hair but my family kept making me cut it. When I go shopping i always get attacked to woman's clothing and even want to try it on in the store. I feel so sad when i see other girls shopping and i always wished that i was them so i could live as my true self. I dress as a female more than a male every day, and when i am dressed up, i wear a wig (Human Hair) so i can feel happy. I got a human hair wig so i can style it as if it was my own hair.

    Now being attracted to girls is a totally different part of you, as you you liking a certain gender is different then identifying. When you are attracted to woman it is like a male liking a woman, or a girl liking a boy. It makes no difference.

    Sorry for the late reply, was in class from 4pm to 6pm today.

    Thanks Everyone for your Support. It means a lot to me. If you no longer want to talk to me because of who I am, Then so be it, But i Thank the ones that are still my friends and that support me for who i really am.

    When i start to go full time, i will be taking pictures and documenting all the status on YouTube. When the time comes i will share my YouTube Channel,
    We3_Nub, Palmsugar and AnonReturns like this.
  3. photoshop
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  4. Totally...
    tuqueque likes this.
  5. ohh Amy!! <3 what a beautyfull name!
    mine is Arny :D

    one thing tho.. you say you wear a wig.. your growing your own out right? cause thats alot more fun to play with tbh. having your hair done at a saloon and all that.

    i was really shy about all this at first. but i think ive gotten over it, im just happy you are going in the directions you need to.. to find your happyness.
  6. Congrats and best of luck in the bright future ahead of you. And to quote one of my favorite artists... "Baby you were born this way." :)
    We3_Nub and finch_rocks_1 like this.
  7. Yes I am growing my hair out, but in the mean while i will be wearing a wig, as i like long hair, like hair past my shoulders.

    Also, I have a few people that I follow up on a lot and have ready about. They have been making a big change and i hope that over time, it will continue to grow.

    One is Jazz,

    Another person is Kim Petras,

    And there are several more, but those are the main ones that have inspired me to come out.
    We3_Nub, M4ster_M1ner and AnonReturns like this.
  8. Good for you coming out! It really is a big deal and I admire your courage to come out and say what you did. I know a lot of people that are scared of coming out in the way that you did and what you did today just shows that other people can do it too! Congratulations to you, and I hope your journey is long and filled with happiness.
  9. Thanks, I took me a while to come out to a lot of people, I can out to my dad, first as mi was worried how my mom would react. But to sum it up, took till i turned 20 to come out to most of my family and several friends. still coming out to some of my friends.
    We3_MPO and g0hl like this.
  10. Finch, I thought this world didn't had people like you. People who have integrity; People who have essence; And most important people who have courage.

    You not have only showed that you have the courage to stand up against society and it's stigmas, and Your Integrity, But you have showed your essence, Your True Self.

    The world needs more people like you! People who have the courage to stand up and being who they trully are.

    You bring hope and honor to the world, and for that I thank you... I thank you for being who you are, and doing what you like to do, doing what makes you happy.

    I wish you have a nice day, and that all your paths leads you to great things.
    You my friend, You have a bright future ahead of You! Show life who you are... Who You Trully Are!
  11. Amy Finch that is a beautiful letter, I am sure your mother is proud of you.
  12. If you ever need someone, go to the Empire. We are all supportive.
    That was very nice of your mother. I am not transgender but I have a few friends that were boys before we went to school together.
    We3_Nub and finch_rocks_1 like this.
  13. I admire your courage to tell everyone, since there are people who do not agree with this - but it's your life, and I'm glad you didn't let anyone else's beliefs get in the way of your well-being. Since I am not transgender, so I could never imagine how difficult hiding your feelings must have been. I commend your strength to do this, and I'm really happy for you that your mum is supportive. I wish all the best in the future concerning surgery etc. You know yourself the best, so don't let anyone tell you what your identity is/should be.
    Just remember - this is your life, and no one has the right to take away your happiness. :)
  14. I understand your point of being as I have a friend who has gone through the same thing as you.
    We3_Nub and finch_rocks_1 like this.
  15. Bump.

    Just so everyone is clear. My mom is supportive and is more understanding. I have more friends and family members that are all supportive.
  16. I think it's really awesome of you to be so brave to the people that you are most afraid of rejection from.
    We3_Nub and finch_rocks_1 like this.
  17. This is so great, you are so brave to come out and do such a wonderful thing. I am so happy for you! This is a amazing thing you are talking about, you are going to be able to tell a beautiful story of pride and self happiness and what you think is best. I'm so happy to hear of such wonderful things. btw Amy is a really great name. I really hope you are happy with your decision. :)
    Have an amazing time going through the expirience of this occurance, many don't understand the wonders of being transgendered and look at people differently, (but you are great no matter what gender :))but really this is so great, and i'm so happy your family is supporting you.:)
    We3_Nub and finch_rocks_1 like this.
  18. This is good news. Congratulations, friend.
    We3_Nub and finch_rocks_1 like this.
  19. this thread needs more bite in it
    JesusPower2 and littlegamer04 like this.
  20. That's great! I recently came out as bi to my mother and was glad she was accepting. It's always good to hear these stories.