Bugs squashed and new Features! - 12/09/17

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Dec 9, 2017.

  1. Hello everyone!

    Been awhile since we had a big update - my day job has been quite hectic, taking up all my time.
    But lately, I've found some time to work on EMC, and now we just had 2 new developers, RogueRevan and TheCritic join the team, we were able to pick up some steam!

    This update does change quite a bit of code, as we have been working on Empires, and this update contains the code that's done so far, but turned off.

    Items marked by (R) were done by RogueRevan, and items marked (C) were done by TheCritic. (Socks and Chicken have some stuff in here too, but just worrying about the newbies :p)

    • Fixed a bug where if your horse got stuck in a Minecart, you could not /stable store it to get it out. Breaking the Minecart then risked killing horse. you can now use /st store
    • Fixed [Frontier] signs not working for the NE, SE, SW, NW corners of the Frontier (C)
    • Added pages to /stable, so it's manageable with lots of horses
      /st list 2 to see page 2, for example (C)
    • Confirmation Prompts now show what you are confirming on the Green/Red wool directly. The Paper explaining what you were confirming has been removed
    • Add /discord command (R)
    • Updated Groups /gr help command to the new help system
    • If you are teleported while you have inventory open with an item on your cursor, the item will now try to return to your inventory correctly. If it can not, it should teleport with you, and be at your arrival location instead of old location
    • You may now set your compass to the location of a current group member with /compass player <player> (R)
    • Group commands such as /gr kick or /compass player, that takes a group members name, now support tab completion
    • There is now a notification sent when you come back from away to let your friends know. There is a player setting to disable sending this notification under Friends (R)
    • Crafting is no longer broken for renamed items. Promo Items still would not qualify for crafting due to the lore. Only the name is ignored now.
    • Restrict Signs can now apply to Pressure plates
    • Added new Residence Flags:
      - dye: Controlling dyeing of sheep
      - leash: Controlling leashing entities
      - pressure: Controlling using pressure plates
    • Fixed bug where breaking a block that causes other blocks to break, such as Remote Shop Signs, would make the item lose its special data. Now it will retain its data in the popped off sign.
    Mid day Deploy notes:

    • Fixed RTS Sign creation
    • Added /va alias to /vault
    • Added tab completion to /vault for your aliases
    • Updated /fr deny to have its own specific wording about denying friendship (C)
    • Added Vaults to the new help system
    • Added command completion to /res list
    Please report any bugs to the Developer team. thanks!
  2. Nice work guys!
  3. Awesome job!! <3 Thank you all for your continued hard work!
  4. Sweet! thanks guys!

    Now I can get an extra hour and a half of sleep, no need to wait until 1 am to log my afk alt in overnight :p
  5. Excellent new goodies and bug extermination! :)
    ForeverMaster likes this.
  6. Renaming items no longer breaks crafting~
    607 likes this.
  7. I'll have to be sure i don't accidentally turn my renamed sticks into signs or ladders xD I've gotten used to just carelessly using the recipe book xD
    607 likes this.
  8. Recipe Book won't see them as eligible items. But if you manually place them, it works.
  9. That's clever! (and great news for me :) )
    ForeverMaster and 607 like this.
  10. Good stuff! :)
    ForeverMaster likes this.
  11. Neat :)
    ForeverMaster likes this.
  12. Best update ever!
    ForeverMaster likes this.
  13. And with every update something has to break... right?! :D

    /res tpsign is totally broke
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  14. Pushing fixes up for that now

    Update going out:

    • Fixed RTS Sign creation
    • Added /va alias to /vault
    • Added tab completion to /vault for your aliases
    • Updated /fr deny to have its own specific wording about denying friendship (C)
    • Added Vaults to the new help system
    • Added command completion to /res list
    607 and Eviltoade like this.
  15. When I do tab after /res list, instead of showing every single player on EMC, it shows a (quite literal) list of the reses on that SMP. There's an example with Utopia to prove that it's not just the player's names:
    607 likes this.
  16. Well uh, that is def an interesting bug xD
    CinemaSins likes this.
  17. But isn't that exactly what's supposed to happen?

    EDIT: whoops, "just kidding"! My mistake, see next comment from me
    CinemaSins likes this.
  18. Nothing wrong with that :) Makes finding things easier though
    CinemaSins likes this.
  19. /res list is used to list the residences owned by a player - so for example, /res list JDHallows would show my 5 reses on SMP7

    /res list JDHallows-3 wouldn't make any sense, though, rather the tab complete should be showing my name, not my reses
    CinemaSins and TomvanWijnen like this.
  20. Whoops, yeah, I agree - I mixed the commands "/res info" and "res list" for a second, as they have almost the same name... :p
    CinemaSins, 607 and JDHallows like this.