Break Up :,(

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by DemonThunder345, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. Btw u should see the other kids ToeNails...
  2. Wuts tat...
  3. lol.
    wisepsn and DemonThunder345 like this.
  4. image.jpg

  5. Just my thoughts...
    Alyattayla likes this.
  6. Lol
  7. follow the arrow....
  8. Wut. :confused:
  9. Please you need to mature a little bit before you get into stuff of this nature. Trust me, it is the best for everyone. Really.
    mba2012, talukegord, Kadboy and 6 others like this.
  10. Okey Dokey..
  11. At recces once i wuz laying on the pebbles there in the sun day dreaming when she walked by and burried me in them...
  12. What I would do is I would try to get around her as much as you can and talk to here and try to make her laugh and I would just keep texting her and just go by her and try to be really good friends with her
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  13. Are you listening to what everyone has been saying?
  14. All I heard from this post was the classic she said he said he likes her she likes him drama, bro, cool it. Trust me, it will all work out. Not saying in whose gets the girl, but just let it happen.
  15. :) Thats Wut i do. She says i have big eyeballs and im funny
  16. Her bff also likes me for some reson.
  17. Ok, so I see that you are having girl issues... But because of the fact you are in 4th grade and will probably talk about monkies with her, and possibly about the color purple, I feel no need to. My point being, this kind of stuff is just a phase and it will wear out once you get to 7th grade. When you get to 7th grade, you are much more mature for responsibilities but, you can still have fun. Right now, this division between the two does not exist.
  18. I know. Still doesn't make it any less important.
    TheMinner333 likes this.