Aug 12, 2013 - Voting & Survival Tweaks

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. I never invested much in the highly lucrative Iron market so I guess I sidestepped ruin. The highest I've ever seen ingots was 7r and I often see them at 4r now so I doubt if anyone is really hurting seeing as most people who own shops don't just sell Iron, and are probably selling
    Hoppers for a nice markup. I don't consider Iron worthless.

    I have noticed that we've gone from having multiple Iron auctions going at once to maybe one every few weeks. I think that suggests that people have moved on to other things. Same with Ender Pearls and many other items.
    M4nic_M1ner likes this.
  2. Haha, maybe I enjoy the way games used to be more back in the day, but I remember when the term "Boss" wasn't linked with "Easy" and "Farming".

    Kinda makes me sad that we're in a generation of games where people link those terms together. I think people should be forced to play old NES games before being allowed to play anything else these days so they get an understanding of what a challenge was. :p
    Twitch1, sgx2000 and RainbowChin like this.
  3. 2 questions

    1. what is marlix?

    2. where can I find info about marlix?
  4. O_O
    Pab10S likes this.
  5. i honestly got bored of the momentus farm most of the drops were z pots anyways i left it and went out to my wildbase instead
  6. It's all about policy - sure 1 or 2 people doing it small scale wouldn't be that big of a deal - but if we allow 1-2 people to do it - we allow all people to do it...

    Same thing happened to iron farms. It was a select few on utopia at first... now tons of people do it and the price of iron is nearly halved.

    It's not like we can allow it, then attack it once its become more popular (ok we could, but that would be a worse scenario, what if we disallowed iron farms now?)

    The goal is to stop it before it becomes a problem, before its established as "everyone else is doing it, so its ok".

    Iron farms are probally less popular now, but the damage is already done... We can't let the same happen to Diamonds and the other rare drops.

    Also, I have plans for adding even more drops to bosses and enraged, vouchers.... but I can only add them if they are not farmable...

    If enraged was farmable in the way it was done, vouchers would also become a lot more common and lose their value.

    So, again we would have 99% of players suffering by not having vouchers drop on these mobs due to a 1% problem.

    In a future update i'm likely to even make enraged spawned by bosses not even drop typical items, or at least not some of the items.
    sgx2000, Pab10S and bitemenow15 like this.
  7. i suppose if bosses are still being tweaked i can see your point.
  8. There are still quite a bit of changes to come - more drops - more conditions for getting better drops (groups...), tweaks of rates.

    We want to make it so you feel rewarded for defeating one.
    Pab10S and bitemenow15 like this.
  9. Honestly, with the iron prices, all they have done is gone from being over priced at 7r, back to what it was before the addition of multiple servers, which was 4 or 5r where is the damage exactly?
  10. iron prices only dropped cause of auctions, if a bunch of diamond block auctions popped up diamonds would likely drop back to 49r per
  11. this cannot be stressed enough
  12. Iron had always been 7r even when I first started... And the fact it stayed stable and consistent at that price means that is the value it should be.

    It's all about supply and demand.

    If an item isnt worth its value, it won't be bought much, demand will be low, supply will get high, and prices lower.

    A stable price is a perfect example of an item reaching its actual worth.
  13. I've built an iron farm before they got popular. A small one, only 2 cells. I've got 4-5 DCs of ingots and then stopped using it. Soon, the farming got popular and now the price settled around 4r per ingot, i.e. at around 57% of the original price. I still sell iron and people still buy iron.
    Then, before they got popular, I've built a gold farm with few friends. We've got few DCs of gold ingots, and we've actually stopped farming gold weeks before Jcplugs' farm was operational and the gold price dropped to around 11r per ingot (to around 75% of the original price). As Jcplugs has other things to do then to run to and from the farm, the gold price is rising again.
    @JC: I need the next tranche soon! :)

    The average net yield was far less than that. I didn't grind much myself, bite might give an accurate figure. I was actually a bit disappointed with the yield.

    But, I'm not angry at all, because the biggest fun was to design and build a farm when the most people here thought that it would be too hard or impossible. With your changes, our experience remains as something quite unique in EMC history ;)

    4 happy giants dancing under the stars ;)
    (EDIT: Inserting images from imgur or directly did not work for me)

    Not really. Perhaps the price would drop 10% ... or 15%? No big deal ... much less than with gold and iron. It would actually help EMC, but that's another story :)

    I think the change is inevitable and new styles of gameplay will partially replace the old. Staying afk at a farm is not fun and I think people do it for some time - as long as the yield allows them to have some fun when not afk - and after that they stop grinding, because after that it starts to feel much more like tedious work than fun. Clicking the mouse button for long time is also very unhealthy. Kids of today know that ... do they? :)

    So you need to stay within 32 blocks for it to spawn skeletons? That's ok with me :)
    wisepsn likes this.
  14. i wasn't even aware gold farms existed but this explains a lot because i used to be regularly bought out of all my gold and now i haven't had anyone buy gold in weeks and weeks
  15. i regularly tried to get 100 enraged for accurate figures took about 7 1/2minutes to get that many once we went back to 3 momentuses. from those i would get about 2 and a half stacks of shiny flesh 12-20 zombie heads and from a low of about 17 to a high of 30 of diamonds. killing them would take an unb 3 loot 3 sharp 5 sword down to about a quarter so i always used one or two diamonds to repair after ever round. in seven minutes you can find a diamond ore vein or two and orebust it for about 15-60 diamonds. so in the end mining was still slightly more efficient and considering the work it took to trap and build that thing compared to the work of "dig down to 11 and mine in a straight line" its still more effective to mine.

    also aikar we noticed that 4/5 momentuses ruined enraged spawn rates for some reason so we killed those and left 3.

    just some numbers for yall :p
    M4nic_M1ner likes this.
  16. Fun and unique like the BSoD I get every time I have tried doing MA events..? :p
  17. Haha, well that is a fun and unqiue thing to some people...though I'm sorry it seems you have a less than optimal PC for it. :(
  18. Ironically, I can use tekkit and hexxit and stuff but when too many mobs are running around in a chunk, I tend to blue screen as of late.. I have even blue screened playing around with too many super mobs (Spawning multiple mobs onto one block to where they merge into a super mob).. xD ..I already figure that I won't be able to take advantage of the dragon tombs when/if they even come out.. I am surprized that the unending hordes of netherhounds that always run mach ∞ around me haven't made me blue screen yet although they do make me lag to death.. literally.. :oops:
  19. Nuisance is right. The last time we had a Momentus spawn in our area, there was literally the question of "Is it worth it to bother trying to kill him?" My only argument to that was, because the SOB doesn't despawn, if we don't get rid of him, there'll be two. And then three. And however many others spawn in that timeframe.
    It wasn't fun, it was necessary. A chore to be done so that we could continue to use the area safely, and the last time I tangled with one it cost me a god-bow, diamond armor, and everything else I was carrying (because once again, my items were somehow destroyed instantly rather than remaining to be reclaimed as they should have).

    I've been no fan of the "Terraria Update" from the start, but it seems like for every step forward you take to make them less odious, you take two backwards. Is fixing the 1.6 scaling a good thing? Absolutely. Nerfing the Z-potions again, along with nerfing archery? Absolutely not. Making the Guardians spawn only when they're in a position to kick you while you're down (to 1 heart or less)? Insult to injury - in my experience, the trail of Enraged being left behind while Momentus got continually knocked away by arrows was challenge enough - you'd move back into range to shoot him, and be close enough to aggro them. A horde of Enraged zombies is no laughing matter.

    I still maintain that random-spawn bosses have no place in Minecraft - the two Mojang implemented both require extensive work just to reach them (stronghold/rebuild portal/Enderdragon, or farming Wither Skeletons to intentionally - I stress this, intentionally - construct a Wither to battle). But as we've already established, my word counts for about 1/5th that of a "regular" user, so do what you will I guess.
  20. You bring up a good point. Why can't the bosses and Enraged mobs just be made to despawn like normal mobs when no one is around? We wouldn't need all these anti-farming adjustments and people who view them as nuisances would find it easier to get rid of them by simply logging out or going out of range for a period of time. Perhaps the length of the spawn timer.

    It would also solve the problem I've heard where people haven't been able to fight them because they are a limited spawn. If one spawns then despawns, one could immediately be allowed to spawn somewhere else where it is wanted. Not much help if there is only one person logged into a server, but it seems like that could be dealt with as a special case codewise.
    Kephras likes this.