Something quite tragic has just happened. Razer decided to steal a Dilo egg from our squad, and well they fought back and I assume Razer was in Passive, they must of been Neutral or Aggressive. Razer died, saddle salvaged, Dilos full of food =/
I can't find the server on the unofficial password protected list. For some reason I am getting a lot of German and Dutch servers, yesterday it was mostly French. I see no servers that are named as non EU based. My PC can't handle local game and I don't want to play with unknowns.
You could try to search on friends ifone of the other guys here is on the server, that is hoe I found it.
i think they may be limiting serves to geolocations as it seems to be non americans having problems. On steam click the View Menu > Servers, add and see if you can get in that way. The servers menu is buggy, try restarting steam after adding it.
Also I just learned more stuff about building / bridges. Please get me lots of wood so I can build stuff for us! I guess i will be the special builder lol.
I have returned from my three-day camping trip and I will now most likely be much more active on ARK. I took the time to try and tame one of those Parasaurs on the big hill where dinos can't get up, with no success. I'll come and tame one later (this time with more narcotics! =P).
for close stuff berries are good to use first we should still have plenty (check the plants and get them out!) If no berries, take the bronto to harvest right at base and you have hundreds in no time! Those narcs are going to help us best when going for farther stuff in more dangerous areas.
I've added you as a friend, MagisterDelirus, I'm on right now if you wanna look at the Friend's list to get on =)
no difference, but if were going out farther and more dangerous, nicer to have the quicker acting non expiring, lighter weight version, rather than carrying a lot of berries. but when close by to base, getting berries isnt hard at all.
So what i've learned is that the hill to our left where the bronto is only has dilos on it. Take the dilos and Selene and Fat Amy, then go through the valley and when you come out at the river turn around to the left to go up the hill. There will be a lot of trees cleared already, and I built a foundation + 1 wall to mark the area to be easy to remember, but many will have respawned. I've seen nothing other than dilos up there (if something bigger was, we would of been at risk of encountering it already....). then as you make your way along the right hand cliff edge, you will arrive at the ramp I built as a way to get the dinos back down. The Dilo pair and Trike, Dilos will die so quickly. Also feel free to take the metal axe off of me, it chops wood so quickly but durability is same as stone...