Anybody up for a challenge?

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Unoski, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. Im in. Leaderboards?
  2. Sure, from next time I play onwards, I guess. Can you play with it on EMC already?
  3. No it is a 1.9 update feature it seems :p
  4. I hope someone got promoted for thinking this up. I'm using it in my survival world. Medium Hardness = Cheezburger
  5. this is beautiful
  6. i prefer pirate speak
  7. I iz gunna tak un dis chalang cus I iz amahzin atte tus! I'z bus!
  8. Once EMC updates to 1.9 I will play in that language.
  9. I'm playing in Frisian at the moment, which I seem to prefer, so I might switch to LOLCAT later.
  10. I think I lost a good 50 IQ points reading those... I'm at -49 now...
    Jelle68 likes this.
  11. Come on Mojang, add Wingdings already.

    I want TRUE challenge.
  12. That's a font, though... Minecraft doesn't have support for fonts.
  13. Pirate speak - A.K.A, how your average northern English or Cornish person speaks.

    607 likes this.
  14. Yes, it does, actually. Resource packs occasionally change the font.
  15. Yeah, but a language file can't have to go with a resource pack. You should be able to play using any language using any resource pack. It'd be annoying if you needed a specific resource pack to use a vanilla language.
  16. I don't think it's smart for me to do that... I mean, my Englisch is bad, I know, but to make it even worse...

    well... you can also write in greek as we mentiont (do you still know that?) that technecly also is another front...
  17. Nope, it uses unicode. Wingdings isn't in unicode, though.

  18. lol
  19. I thought I remembered typing something similar somewhere lol