Amazing Videos

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by 607, Jun 17, 2019.

  1. Hi, it's me again!

    Sometimes when I'd find a cool video I wanted to share, I'd put it on the Random Post Thread... but I think it'd be nice if there was a thread just for sharing videos worth watching, as people would be easily able to check them out later, or rewatch ones they liked! :)

    I am creating this thread for two videos released this week, but you may also share older videos, if you think people might not have seen them before and they are still relevant.

    This should be a very satisfying and fun to watch video for anyone (if you don't have visual or auditory impairments or something like that of course...).

    And this here is really quite pointless, but very funny, provided you know Minecraft. :p

    Sorry, no poll...
    MoreMoople and Jelle68 like this.
  2. This was super fun and satisfying to me.
  3. The video with the balls was well made and well timed :)
    607 likes this.
  4. Mhm... It seems like the video I previously plugged was removed because it was too suggestive? I'd like to disargree with that still, but here is the next-best thing from the same creator:

    (The opening is at 4:30, everything before that is introduction)

    Yes, this is framed around brexit, but it is not, I'd say, "controversial", as Brexit only is the framework to talk about some of the philosophy bihind a democracy: he doesn't discuss any oppinions about brexit, only vieuws on democracy itself.
  5. For a moment, I thought you said 4:20. Haha -- It's a good video. :)
    ...even though I know almost nothing about European politics.
    Jelle68 likes this.
  6. I feel like I have to share this one:

    (For those who are unaware, Franz Kafka is a early 20th century author, who wrote mainly about systems of endless beaucracy, needless punishment, and the insignificancy of humanity. The Onion is a satirical news site)
    607 likes this.