(AMA and Giveaway) Share your Pride!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by finch_rocks_1, Dec 5, 2017.

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  1. Congratulations on 2k Days ^^
    Question: What's your favourite food? x3
    As I am part of the LGBTQ+ community I think I'll enter :p

    So to get this started, I am part of the LGBTQ+ community by being bisexual and transgender(I consider myself a guy, look at myself as a guy. Never going under surgery or anything to actually change my gender though, long story). I've always supported the community, because I believe everyone is equal and has the right to be whoever they want to be and like whoever they want to like. I am open/closed about it (idk how to put that into words xD), like I wont tell anyone at all about that unless they ask. My close friends know and they are fine about it, because they are accepting like my family (who I've yet to tell and 2 of my friends are also bi, 1 trans and one is asexual) and some of my friends are part of the community also ^^
    I like to say that I have helped two of my friends through some times having to do with this area. One of them was one of my classmates, because last year she wasn't open to people about being bisexual and transgender and I was the first person to know. She told her mother and her mother told her that she was disgusting and a disgrace and of course that made her very upset. I helped her see through it and told her that no matter who you are and want to be that I will always be there for her and that it doesn't matter what others think as long as you are at peace with yourself. For the other person, well she isn't really my friend, but we are very close and that happens to be my aunt! My aunt is transgender and went from being a male to female (she actually went through all the stuff and surgery and cell thingys). My aunt came out to my family very easily and they all supported her, but some people where I used to live and in the world were very rude to her about it and she was very sad about that. My aunt eventually became a little depressed and I and my sisters helped her come back from where she was and now she is as happy as ever! (My aunt and I are the closest in my family, we are exactly the same [love anime, love cats, both gamers, both goth, etc]. My mother and her even joke that if we were in school together we would be best friends :p]).
    I guess I was born being an ally lol since I have been always accepting and supportive of people no matter who they were. But, there have been people who have helped me along the way. My friend that I said above, since she was open to our group of friends it gave me the confidence to come out to them (well, most of them) and my aunt gave me the courage to tell my BFF about being trans (I didn't tell a lot of people about that) and I look up to my aunt. My aunt is a very strong, brave woman (who has also beat cancer two times) and she is my idol when it comes to this area.

    *looks up* Well I wrote a lot :'D
    Also, for choosing a number between 1-1000 I would like #666 ;P
  2. I'll go for #8. There is no rhyme or reason to it. Just cause.

    I am blanking so hard on questions. US history has fried my brain. Uhh...

    Anywho. :p I don't have much experience myself actually because most of my involvement has been through support of friends. I remember in sixth grade I had an enormous crush on another girl and told her about it, and she never talked to me again, but while that hurt, we were young. She likely had no idea how to react and hell, for all I know she went home, told her parents, and they said "Stay away from that psycho!" But I digress, that didn't so much upset me as it taught me to roll with the punches.

    I'm bisexual and haven't tried to hide it from anyone, but I don't exactly enjoy flaunting it either. I'm currently with a male partner. But I do like to support people who have it tougher than I. I've personally noticed in my little nook of Virginia that non-straight females are pretty broadly accepted but non-straight males are not. It's saddening but personally, I love talking to my gay friend Ethan about his thoughts and all, since there aren't many others who will listen without scathing words.

    Anyway, congratulations on 2000 days and I hope you like my rambling. :p
  3. Thx, its a bit over but close enough to 2k days haha.
    Fav food... Tough one... I would have to say Real 100% Chicken, Chicken Fingers and Fries (But not plane, I love Curly Fries). Sadly They are not too healthy, so i dont eat them too much. Oh forgot with Plum sauce.
    If we where talking like country, I would say Japanese food... hehe
    And Okay, 666 it is, hehe

    Nice story, Thanks for sharing :)

    #8 it is... If you can catch it, hehe.
    And no worries, Questions is optional. hehe
    And thx.
    Also loved your story, I had similar incident when i told a girl i liked her once, but was on the bus, so made it awkward afterwards haha.
    607 and Slvr like this.
  4. really, only costs a few thousand if you just want a rig in the middle of the ocean, hehe
    Slvr and Gamemaster3158 like this.
  5. bump
    Slvr likes this.
  6. It must be harder for you been both trans and bi? How do u deal with haters?
  7. Have you told your parents already? I think they'd rather talk about you with it personally then see it on YouTube first.
    AyanamiKun and Luneyia like this.
  8. yes they know already
  9. Really I haven't really gotten any haters, but I honestly would just care less for what they have to say about it xD
    IronicSwordPlay likes this.
  10. Being Trans and Lesbian, Its worse, as people try to think Sexuality and Gender is the same thing, but thats the main thing... They always say, "How are you trans, but also like girls?" or "Why cant you just be straight and like girls" stuff like that...
    IronicSwordPlay and 607 like this.
  11. well crap
    synth_apparition and Alicexoxo like this.
  12. Yeah, I can imagine.
    In other news: AdChoices is getting interesting. :p
  13. Well then Happy 2.1+k days Finchy!

    I feel a lot of people on the server may not post due to lack of experience as well, lot of younger players, where I myself wasn't going to post as I don't often get too personal on the web. However Finch is a friend so here is "one" of mine.

    I have known and worked for/with many LG people in my life, though feel most of that was after High school. It was in the last year of University when my good drinking mate told me one night he was in love with me. Quite a shocker, especially as he was engaged to a girl at the time :! So after my initial shock I had to tell him I simply wasn't gay and did not feel the same. Then I went on to convince him he could not continue to hide, as it was clear the whole thing was eating him up inside. I was only the second person to know (the first was his first boyfriend) and inside he was very unhappy. It took a few weeks, but I knew his Fiance was also unhappy (she had told me so and dint understand why he had become so stand offish) I finally convinced him to tell a mutual female friend, who helped him approach his fiance, and shortly after our friends as well. Everybody (mostly) was open, understanding, and accepting. At graduation a few months after i also urged him to tell his mother, and she also was supportive. I know he is a lot happier personally, and more at peace.

    Its not that I would say everyone should come out of the closet, but those who are unhappy should think about it as it will lighten the load. I think you will find in life, as with this server, a majority are accepting of the community, and it is only certain "scared" people who have a problem. I have never been scared/shocked by LGBTQ people, and consider them to be as normal as anybody else, guess I have always been an ally. Guess that is just how I felt growing up, though my parents are all anti-gay.

    A few years back my oldest son informed us he was gay/bi... my only concern is the possibility of Grandkids. Hahaha!

    So my very personal question would be........ what ... is you favorite..... song ??

    and i leave you with my number. no.9
  14. Pretty sure that's scamming
  15. synth_apparition and AyanamiKun like this.
  16. <sighs>

    I wasn't aware of this thread, but it is a good example of what I was referring to when I mentioned "pushing your own agenda" in there. And this is also the sort of thing which will definitely get players to respond. Both positively but also in a negative way.

    As mentioned in the linked thread: we're still on a Minecraft forum, and I can't help get the impression that you're sometimes forgetting about that part. What's important to you doesn't have to mean that much to others.

    Finch... I can understand that you don't want to bother yourself with EMC anymore, but action = reaction. This isn't fair towards those other players who successfully participated.

    SO I have an offer to make. If you'd like I could take over for you and see through the end of this event, all according to your terms. In short: you provide the prices, I'll look after the event and make sure that it'll be finished in a fair way.

    For the record: this is one of those threads which make me a bit uneasy and which I'd usually ignore, but I think this is a bit too important. Especially towards those other players.

    I'm not too sure. In the end it's all based on chance, there are no guarantees of winning to begin with. I'm also a player who tried to start a few events officially (so: by posting here) and then really tried hard to use that as a drive for myself to work on the event and get it going.

    ... only to fail due to real life issues (work) and sometimes a lack of motivation and therefor had to cancel an event.

    Of course with the difference that the event never started.

  17. It's also not legal towards those other players. Its happened to me before, and also there is a guarantee of winning, just not of who specifically it will be.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  18. Excellent point. In the mean time I PM'd Finch, we'll see what happens. Already got a response and I'm hoping we (= EMC community) can sort this out amongst ourselves to be honest.
    Raaynn and 607 like this.
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