Am I good or bad for EMC? Should I leave?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by We3_MPO, Apr 27, 2018.



0: You are a very degrading force to the EMC community who needs to have both of your accounts perm 2 vote(s) 8.3%
0.5: I can't decide between 0 and 1. 1 vote(s) 4.2%
1: You should probably leave, but I'll leave that up to you, and I wouldn't go as far as saying you 2 vote(s) 8.3%
1.5: I can't decide between 1 and 2. 1 vote(s) 4.2%
2a: You are a neutral force. Decide for yourself. 3 vote(s) 12.5%
2b: You're not active enough anymore to have that much of an impact compared to many others. Maybe i 0 vote(s) 0.0%
2.5: I can't decide between 2 and 3. 4 vote(s) 16.7%
3: You have an overall positive influence and I wish you'd return, but it's not like you're a super 4 vote(s) 16.7%
3.5: I can't decide between 3 and 4. 3 vote(s) 12.5%
4: You are a very positive influence on EMC who should go apply for staff or get MOTM. Besides, none 4 vote(s) 16.7%
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  1. Now, I know this thread may be defamatory towards me, may invite hateful comments against me, or even may get me banned, but I don't care. I want your honest answer. I sometimes question whether I should stay or not, especially considering most of the current active SMP6 residents (besides myself, who isn't all that active) are new members who leave fast and people who I have a strong mutual dislike with after multiple public misunderstandings/arguments. It's hard for me to work on my projects at the MPO when there's no MPO members who are still active on SMP6 there anymore to help, work with, or have build their own thing at the MPO while I work on my projects. It's even harder when new people who won't stay long and people you can't get along with are almost the only active people there. Plus I know for a fact that sometimes I'm very friendly and mature, and other times can be very immature, dramatic, rude, and defamatory.

    I present to you my classifications for how I influence the EMC community:
    • 0: You are a very degrading force to the EMC community who needs to have both of your accounts perm banned and should be further defamed.
    • 0.5: I can't decide between 0 and 1.
    • 1: You should probably leave, but I'll leave that up to you, and I wouldn't go as far as saying you should be banned and/or defamed.
    • 1.5: I can't decide between 1 and 2.
    • 2a: You are a neutral force. Decide for yourself.
    • 2b: You're not active enough anymore to have that much of an impact compared to many others. Maybe it should stay that way, but we don't know until I return and it may (or may not) be too late, right?
    • 2.5: I can't decide between 2 and 3.
    • 3: You have an overall positive influence and I wish you'd return, but it's not like you're a super famous community member apart from being old here.
    • 3.5: I can't decide between 3 and 4.
    • 4: You are a very positive influence on EMC who should go apply for staff or get MOTM. Besides, none of us are flawless.
    Also, I am, in no way, asking to be banned, nor am I asking to become staff (I've never even applied and don't think I want to) or MOTM. I'm just asking for your honest opinion on whether I should leave/stay and whether I'm good or bad for EMC, with extreme options available for those who feel strongly or who know me that well.
  2. This is pretty close to another thread you posted a while back, so I'm just gonna quote my post, add a slight amount more, and leave it at that.

    Don't look at us to decide if you leave or not, just ask yourself if you're having fun. You shouldn't do anything on EMC to get the approval/disapproval of others, you should do what you do to have fun. Just so long as you don't break the rules, to heck with what other people think. EMC isn't about social standing, it's about some random people getting together to play a fun game. If you aren't having fun, take a break or leave, and don't let anyone make you feel guilty or bad about the decision.

    TL;DR - You do you.
  3. Thanks for the input anyways. I can't tell for sure of course, but it seems like you're probably no less than 1.5 and no greater than 2.5, if you go by the numerical ratings at all.
    derp_duckie likes this.
  4. I'm not even on the number scale, because nothing there accurately describes my feelings. I got no problem with you, you're a decent member, and you contribute what you can. I don't know you super well, but that's more because we don't run into each other, not from a lack of activity or any effort on my part to ignore you. I'm not going to advocate for or against you leaving/staying, because that's not my call to make. I like having players on EMC, but I like having players who WANT to be here. Again, every single bit of it comes down to if you want to be here.
  5. That's a pretty good attitude to have.
    derp_duckie and MoreMoople like this.
  6. You haven't done anything wrong dude you are fine with me.
  7. I think you shouldn't have made voters publicly visible... someone voting a low number might put them in a bad light.

    I think you're good for EMC. I do think you should perhaps slow down a little and post less, to prevent things from getting to you too much. But I don't know, it's your call. :) Try to reflect on your own behaviour, if you can.
  8. Personally, I've got no problem with you, but I think you worry too much about what other people think. Whether you stay or leave isn't our call to make, nor should you make it our decision. And I'm not using your numerical scale either because nothing there describes my feelings.

    Also, staff don't swing hammers at people for just asking a question.

    I haven't always liked everyone on SMP8, the SMP I play on for the most part. During those low points, I tried to make friends where I can, or... I didn't play much. I took a break. There's no need to make it so black and white. You can just take a break for a while, and then come back.

    But again, this is completely your decision and throwing it to us... well, there's really no point to it if you ask me. Hope this helps, and hope to see ya 'round, We3. :)

    EDIT: I did end up voting in the poll since your later posts solidly suggested you wanted responses there. So I fit my vote in as best I could in there, but I still would much rather you read my post than just look at a statistic.
  9. Yer okay We3, nothing much you've done wrong to the community as far as I've seen. Stick around but if you feel like you need a break go for it <3
    We3_MPO, MoreMoople and 607 like this.
  10. (I wrote this on my phone, sorry if some of it happens to not make sense o.o)
    We3, keep in mind that you are a very kind person, even if you don't think so yourself. You don't have to be an active member in the community or contribute much to it to be a part of it, so that shouldn't be something that you judge yourself on.
    I will comment that you have a tendency to overreact, but at the end of the day, you can learn something from it. Just because people have opinions about you doesn't mean you should let them make your decisions. You are you, We3, and you are a very unique individual that is always looking out for others, even if that results in misunderstandings. I would like it if you stayed, but that is your choice to make. =)

    Edit: Also, if there's anything you need to talk about, feel free to send me a pm on forums. I may not always be able to help, but I would never judge you or try to be mean.
    We3_MPO, derp_duckie and 607 like this.
  11. (warning: shell vent incoming... sorry, but these things honestly just happen on the fly. Esp. if you ask me to be honest (don't do that! :D ))

    SO it seems you have multiple threads, I didn't see the other so I'm only going to respond here.

    Sorry: I won't be taking the poll but I am just going to pen down ("type down" I guess) my opinion and suggestions.

    Yes you do, otherwise you wouldn't have taken all that time to post this. If there's one thing EMC staff doesn't do is take against against players for merely speaking their mind and sharing their opinion. That is... as long as you keep things respectful and don't let it turn into a mudslinging experience of course.

    And I don't see that here so far.

    First: thank you for posting. I've somewhat experienced the same on SMP2. No, not the argument and dislike stuff, but I couldn't help but notice that player numbers sometimes got down a bit (esp. during "off hours") and conversation is then sometimes pretty stale.

    During my game sessions I'm often a decently talkative player but I also had my moments where I mostly got met with silence on SMP2 and SMP9. But hey... "If at first you don't succeed", and most of all: sometimes silence can be golden of course :)

    And I've also had success stories where I did manage to get a nice conversation started, a few moments later some other of my friends popped up and it quickly turned into one of those nice and familiar SMP2 sessions.

    As to those new people: why argue with them in the first place though? It takes more than one person to start an argument you know... well... unless you're a ShelLuser enjoying his weekend while being in a funny mood, then it is possible to start an argument with TheOtherShell as well :D (never overdoing it though).

    I guess what I'm saying is that you can make your own game for the most part.

    I really respect your ability for self reflection, while also admiring you being honest enough to throw it all out in the open.

    So now for my answer....

    Sorry, but I have no definite answer (you asked for honesty and you shall have it). We don't talk very often in-game (that's probably also because we live on different servers, and because I've been rather inactive in-game due to work and other IRL commitments). But you are active enough for me to know & recognize your name, and recall some of the things you shared in the past.

    Do I want you to leave? Definitely not. What I've seen from you was pretty cool and interesting.

    But here's the thing: this isn't about me. When it comes to games such as Minecraft you sometimes also got to be a little "selfish". Stop thinking about "what others want" but more so about what you want. And stick with that.

    See... I sometimes compare this with a tech forum I often participate in. They post news articles about tech stuff and people can then respond to those articles. While also being able to up or downvote peoples comments. When I post in there I do so because I felt the need to share my opinion. Always in a respectful way, no mudslinging, slurs, insults, etc. but I speak my mind. And sometimes others disagree. Just like in some cases others do agree.

    My "score" over there right now is (quote): "In total, your posts have been upvoted 12094 times and downvoted 2901 times.". So here's the thing: when I see downvotes come in then I go "so what" and stand behind my words, I never deleted an article just because people disliked it.

    But I also never question myself. I am who I am, this is what I do. Sometimes (usually) people are in full agreement with me and sometimes they totally disagree. But I never let that stop me from doing what I do.

    So... back to EMC.

    This isn't about us, it's about you. YOU should do what you think is best. Because in the end this game should be something which YOU should be enjoying. And I think it's important to stop thinking about us but focus on yourself first and foremost.

    And trust me... I know what you mean with empty outposts. Heck, what about empty servers? It hasn't been very uncommon in the past weeks for me to be either the only player or with 2 - 4 others on SMP2. Making you indeed sometimes wonder... "it's almost like singleplayer".

    But for me that's where the challenge comes in! I usually try and get Aya to come online and sometimes we do just that: treat it as a single player session (not overdoing it of course, but at least have some mild chatter in community chat). New players come along, try talking to 'm. Sometimes Aya can make some silly comments about how I'm scaring everyone away (always picking on me :( ( :D )) and you know what? Sometimes that works!

    Sure, it's no fun walking around an outpost which is mostly empty. But... maybe it's time to try and expand your universe. Maybe you can get new players onboard, or....

    The bottom line of this getting out of hand in size weekend vent is that the only person who can make any of this happen is you.

    As much as I hope that you'll come around and will stay on the Empire there is something else I want even more: that you're having a good time. Even if that means saying goodbye to EMC for a while. Sometimes a break can do miracles...

    And that's something I sometimes don't particularly enjoy: seeing many elders move on. I have a rather insane friends list and it's not uncommon for me to see 15 - 20+ friends online. But that amount has also started varying pretty rapidly (also depends on time of play).

    But I ALSO noticed all those new faces pop up. They key really is to adapt and not stare blindly into the past thinking about "what could have been" but focusing on the "here and now" to try and recreate all those fun moments, heck: even making them better than before!

    And that's something only us players can do. This is a thing not even staff can pull off.

    So far I mostly play on weekends and right now I'm really looking forward to my play session this evening. I even met up with a new SMP2 player who I started considering a new friend.

    (reminds me that I plan to visit their res. this evening. If they're online)

    BUT... first things first, I'm in anticipation of a big WWE live event in a few moments.

    Bottom line: I don't want you to leave, but you should really do what you think is best here...
  12. I would say BK's TL;DR best describes my feelings - You do you.

    Don't worry about so much, just play and have fun. :)
    Tuqueque, We3_MPO and MoreMoople like this.
  13. You asked for an honest opinion, so here is one.

    I don't like threads like this personally. Often they seem like attention getters. Maybe that was not your intention but just seeing the title at first, that's what I thought (and I didn't even see who's thread it was). Please understand that I don't say this to offend you, just my personal thoughts.

    That being said, you can't put everything on your shoulders. People coming and going is not on you, it's just the way it is sometimes. I'm usually on smp5 or Utopia and I don't even recognize half the names anymore but that's the way servers like this work. You get older and lose interest and a new crop of people come in and it repeats.

    As far as you. Try to worry about the things you can't control. It only creates unnecessary stress and no one needs that. Just continue to be nice to others, act in a mature manner, help others when they need (if you can), etc. and you will be fine. Whether others do the same or not is on them and not something you can control. You shouldn't put that responsibility on yourself. Just keep being yourself and other good people will find you.
  14. Well, I guess that's why. ;)
    I think you meant to make this negative. :p
    We3_MPO, MoreMoople and ThaKloned like this.
  15. Naw it was the title lol

    Or I was going for reverse psychology :D
  16. I do agree with Slvr and Moople that I have a tendency to overreact and care too much about what others think. Even I don't like that. But as a gay teen who has autism and has lived his entire life in the dreadful South, I, sadly, feel like I probably can't change that, at least until I'm old enough that I end up moving somewhere where fewer people will care and more people will be open.
    MoreMoople likes this.
  17. The poll results so far don't surprise me at all. It seems people voted all across the spectrum, and a few even went as far as voting 4 or 0, so it seems some people feel more strongly than others and a few believe I'm a neutral force overall. But don't think that just because you've not responded yet means you'll be counted out - the more of you who vote, the better of an idea I'll have on how positive/negative of a force I am.
  18. Take a look at the people who voted 0 or 0.5. Those are the people whose opinions should be taken with a grain of salt.
    Jelle68, 607 and We3_MPO like this.
  19. I did look, and I agree with you on that.
  20. It this is your way of feeling bad because things are not the same as they were, then don't think of it like that. Similar to my previous post on the other thread, there's a lot of different factors that are probably playing into why EMC is no longer what it was 3 years ago.

    The old players we were around in 2015 probably grew up, life circumstances got in the way, or just plain bot tired of Minecraft in general and never came on. It's nothing about "what you did wrong", more or less, it's how things turned out for them.

    These are just speculations, I have no idea why EMC is becoming a bit more empty on SMP6... (I've only been on for 3 years, so that should speak for itself...)
    We3_MPO likes this.
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