[ADVICE NEEDED] How do I return?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by We3_MPO, May 19, 2018.

  1. Pros for if I return:
    1. Others have wanted me to return.
    2. It would give me more to do and more to see.
    3. The MPO needs me.
    Cons for if I return:
    1. It wouldn't be easy for me to stay long. I mean, I could be on, but only part of the day for some days, as I really need to focus in 10th grade starting in July (although I only have to do about 4 hours a day because I'm homeschooled, still it'll be kind of tough). Plus I have a social schedule IRL (not in a relationship, although I still really want that to change).
    2. I don't know how/if I could get much enjoyment in returning, because although the MPO has roughly (I've lost count of the exact number) 50 members, very few if any of them are active at all (and none at the MPO that I know of); even the main streets in Paradise City, Ternaves, and Classyville (our three major cities) just feel completely deserted, and I don't know that I can handle that. Also, I don't even know how I can recruit more active members when I've basically run out of potential members again, and the City Hall members mostly aren't voting on the few I have nominated lately, and we need someone to handle the farms when 1.13 comes to EMC (I'm horrible at redstone and farm mechanics). I also feel like I just wouldn't enjoy much in general unless others were either helping me, watching and commenting, or doing their own thing at the MPO at the same time too, and most of the few people on SMP6 are new players and the group of people some of whom I don't get along with.
    3. I have lots at my hands in general, and will likely come up with even more projects whether I return or not (there are even some I've been meaning to do for years and never even been close to starting), and have no clue how I could get it off my hands quickly. :(
    However, I NEED to get all my current projects (and whatever ones more I come up with) off my hands, and as much as I feel like I can't have fun unless the MPO is active, I don't know how I can take making it active into my full responsibility when 1.) it's a democratic government system there full of inactive members, and 2.) I wouldn't even have anyone to help assure me that the person was safe, and I'm mostly out of people I can think of to recruit anyways. So, what's your advice?
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  2. You left?
    SliceOfRhyBread and We3_MPO like this.
  3. I think what you do is largely up to you. Though I'm not active on EMC any more, I'm always lurking on the forums and sometimes in game. If you feel like 'coming back', you don't really have to be that active again if you don't want to. Maybe log on occasionally to check up on your projects or talk to friends, while not truly being 'inactive' or 'gone'
    AlexC__ and We3_MPO like this.
  4. Although I hadn't "officially" taken a third break or anything, it happened naturally.
  5. You don't really need to be super active to be a part of the EMC community - If you think it would suit you better, you could always just hop on forums when you have the time! :)
    In-game, I would suggest having a fresh start. Try something new on a different SMP! It would be cool if you got a res somewhere like SMP3 (Or another SMP, such as 7) and just built for fun ;)
    q1zx and We3_MPO like this.
  6. To return you open your mc launcher hit play the hit multiplayer then double click empire the all the people who haven’t met you like me can meet you in game
  7. The drama in the recent statuses lately is threatening the possibility of me returning, especially considering how serious of a topic it's over, but hopefully it's just short-lived.

    I was sure someone was going to say that, but I cannot abandon the MPO without abandoning EMC. Besides, there are still many of my projects there I have never even come close to starting, and there is still a lot of land left that is neither in the nature reserves nor even marginally developed. However, just because someone gives this advice doesn't mean I don't respect them, plus, Moople, I know you're a very nice person, and less importantly, a great artist (that train pic you made for ConductorConduit was absolutely impressive! Even I could never do something like that!).

    EDIT: Now I've even had to report the problematic status for repeated dramatic comments. Hopefully it gets worked out properly soon.
    MoreMoople likes this.
  8. I think you take the time you need to recollect your opinions and you can always return whenever you feel ready.
    FadedMartian and We3_MPO like this.
  9. We3, I understand what you are trying to do here, but again, it comes off that you are looking for attention, rather than an actual answer. I again, friend, support you in all ways possible, but this is not the right way to get attention.

    If you would like to come back, that would be awesome and you asre more than welcome to come out to my private outpost on 7, however if you do not want to come back, then just stop posting these attention grabbing threads, please.

    I know this is kind of direct, but I have tried taking a less direct approach in the past and it did not seem to work. Again, if you need to talk, my inbox is open.
  10. I think you need to relax on the topic leaving and rejoining. Just sit on it for a while and think about these topics to yourself. I am sounding a little harsh but in reality, it relies on you.
    Jay2a, FadedMartian and We3_MPO like this.
  11. I am not just looking to get attention. I am looking for an actual answer. I feel like I can't abandon the MPO, but I hate being alone or around only those I don't get along with, and I also feel the need to revive the MPO and do all my projects. I also feel like I cannot decide between the two and am a threat to the quality of the EMC community. However, if looking for people to listen to my problems and looking to recruit MPO members count as looking for attention, then yes, that too.
  12. I do, however, also believe that I probably care way too much about what others think, and that may well even be tightening the path to my ultimate goal. I wish I could help it, but don't think I can.
  13. What does MPO stand for =P
    We3_MPO likes this.
  14. Okay, I think you're way over thinking this right now. And it kind of sounds to me like you've decided to yourself that you don't want to come back while making the thread anyway. You provided tons of elaboration for why you shouldn't come back while neglecting the reasons why you should. Coming back doesn't have to be as absolute as *You're active or you're not*. If you have things like the MPO that are important to you, then it's up to you to keep them going. But ultimately the decision to come back should be entirely up to you