A Survey

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by BenMA, Dec 13, 2016.

  1. I think you missed where I put that I submitted. The one I know is me.
  2. Sounds good then. I look forward to it.
    UltiPig, Equinox_Boss, Slvr and 3 others like this.
  3. Completed.
    Equinox_Boss and BenMA like this.
  4. I have to put in my email? Ain't gonna get identity frauded tonight :rolleyes:
  5. Completed as well
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. done. :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. You shouldn't have to..?
    ShelLuser and Equinox_Boss like this.
  8. It's making me put in my email haha
  9. Huh, you might have to sign in to fill it out..?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. I'll figure it out! :D
    607 likes this.
  11. I wanted to take this but I wish to be more anonymous. Just how I feel! But I have also expressed my opions on the player retention thread. It is not that I do not wish to participate, just wish we could remain unknown of who wrote what, because sorry but I've been in management for a long time. We did a survey once, and I kept everything non biased. An employee wrote their honest opinion of our staff and they treated her like utter garbage. Just snide things. I know that the staff here isn't like that but it still just spooks me a little. I love EMC and everyone including staff.
    Peace, <3, and Kindness
    AnonReturns, RainbowPony, 607 and 2 others like this.
  12. If you don't mind me asking, what is this survey for?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  13. I have submitted my answer :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. Thank you BenMA!

    I think it is important that you share anonymized results and collected opinions with the community.

    It is also important that this is done by a trusted non-staff member, this reduces bias and other potential conflict of interest to minimum. This is how community develops.

    EDIT: This is not to say that EMC staff is corrupt. It is just that humans have that "ability" and that it does surface under certain circumstances.

    For subsequent surveys, I suggest two questions:
    - what do you think the majority needs improved on EMC - give up to 3 most important points
    - what do you personally need improved on EMC - give up to 3 most important points

    PS: I was not able to complete it, because Google asks me to log in again and again, although I'm already logged in and have Gmail open in another tab in the browser. Will try from different PC / browser later.
  15. In that case, I will wait for the yearly survey. I understand, I can give an input on this survey as well, if I wish to, I just don't see why would I want to give my rating to be accessible and collectible to a member, rather than staff, whatever good intentions they do have behind it. Just my opinion.
    Equinox_Boss and ThaKloned like this.
  16. Fair comment that has far reaching relevance even outside of EMC. Not questioning this survey specifically, but the metrics involved to determine 'trusted' are often bias and a conflict of interest in and of themselves. Making it difficult to determine whether many surveys out there (in the world) were conducted ethically, this is impossible to determine when taken out of the full context. Even institutions conducting a poll/survey as a third party can be subject to bias if they themselves did not write the questions independently of the body requesting the results.

    This hits home particularly for me, regarding the university I have just graduated from. An internal survey was conducted relating to a specific topic and then was spun around as an attack against the university president. That specific situation is very complex and this is over-generalizing, but essentially the university president was forced out by what the media has coined as an "internal coup". Though the survey was only conducted to collect results to investigate the faculty's thoughts on that separate topic, the results were used for a completely different purpose.

    Relevance to EMC. No one here is exempt from bias. I am bias, Krysyy is bias, BenMA is bias, everyone responding to this thread is bias, etc. If you have or ever will play on EMC, then you are a bias source. Good/Bad/Wrong/Right/Indifferent, that is the way it is. That does not mean the results should be thrown away! But it reveals that it is always important to maintain the full context in which the data was originally collected as the results propagate (including information about potential bias).

    Note: My references to bias are aimed at the creation of surveys/polls. It is important that any/all stakeholders have an opportunity to participate in such data collection points. Or a well distributed sample. I reiterate, only becomes an issue with how the results are used.
  17. Chickeneer, like with the survey they did for the employees to use to rate, and give information they felt on the staff. Some were treated awfully. I mean, again I don't think the staff of EMC would do that, but if one gave their honest to goodness opinion, people might get a little goofy. That is normal human behavior. I have to admit when seeing a few of their answers, I never thought anyone would have felt that way. I felt as if that survey wasn't fair, because there was no anonymous regulation. Everyone had to put their name on it in the computer system.
    So I really like your statement about this, thank you!
    M4ster_M1ner and Equinox_Boss like this.
  18. You always have the option to put in "EMC User" as the name. I've had a few people do it already. Even IF this information does get released, no names will be given out, even if asked for.
  19. AH! I did not know this thank you!
    M4ster_M1ner, 607 and Equinox_Boss like this.