100k Giveaway!!!

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by KingofKraft13, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. Well i guess everyone can just start liking the best answers now sooooo start your mega clicking :)
  2. This is not true for me.i have never received more than 12k at a time.
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  3. Interesting fact I just thought of... 100,000 rupees are worth over $160... You are truly a great person to give that away :D
  4. Or around 3 months of Diamond supporter.
    redwing2000 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  5. As mr.piggy likes to say "like for you!" (I am trying to type on an iPhone)
  6. I know, and I wrote something to apologize for the way I stated that. Look for it, sorry bout that. :p
  7. Emc is awesome.

    Now like my post.

    redwing2000 likes this.
  8. Buddies! Im on my nook!:)
  9. Why Do I like EMC?





    The community, staff and everyone here is super nice! Also the owner puts so much time into the server he made us CUSTOM(created by him!) plugins! Back in the old days, (for me) I got Minecraft. I played single-player for such a long time, then I discovered multi-player!
    I thought wow, this is way better then single-player because I can show off my creations! So I looked up popular servers. For months on end I went from bad server to bad server, griefing, PvP, spam, enough lag to take a nap in between actions, hackers, imcompetent staff, and people who gave the server 200 dollars and could fly around shooting fireballs.
    Then after I had exhausted I thought all servers, I found beautifullness in the MC world.
    I came here, signed up through the site, and was thrown into a tutorial! "YES!" I thought as I read the guide to get through. No more griefing! No Spam! No PvP! I got through the tutorial by reading the guide and emerged into the world of EMC. I said "Hello I'm new, hows it going?" People said back "Welcome! Pretty good you?" After a nice conversation I did /v open and got an open res. I placed down the starter kit saplings and waited, after a while they grew, and thus began my journey. And from day 1 there was always a great community, and when I first joined? Not a single person spamming and zero lag. Then I met the mods, oh the mods! Greatest staff ever encountered. Need I say anything about there competence, kindness, and professional attitude? No I don't think I do, every knows they are great. Also the balance of supporter powers, it doesn't let them fly around and PvP everyone! A nicely balanced system gives them powers, but not god powers, and the monthly is the smartest idea ever. Notice how servers who let you donate once and keep your powers are generally in chaos and poorly run? Yeah, monthly supporting gives it great flexibility so you can choose if you want to continue or not, and gives fair powers, not overkill. Griefing will be griefing, always and ever present force in all of MC. But this server handles it differently. The members will help you bounce back from griefing, repeat griefers are caught! The staff is handy with the ban hammer but not too eager so the wrong person is never banned. Hackers? You mean the guys who get banned every time? Fly Hackers, X-ray, beware for the mods are omnipresent and catch the bad guy every time.

    That is why I love EMC!
    KingofKraft13 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  10. Mines better ;)
  11. Your just jealous because I created a MASSIVE wall of text, boo yah!Just joking around ;)
  12. Could you possibly shorten that post a LITTLE???
  13. NO! I have too many reasons I love EMC!
  14. It looks like my res! All cluttered in one corner but open in another! ;)
  15. And you have never heard of shortening by summarizing
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. To me it doesn't seem fair, you are bribing people to win....
  17. Like mine! I could of said more cuz there are soooo many thibgs about EMC that I love. But i summerize ;)
  18. It's the sad truth. Bribers gonna bribe.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  19. I think he should be disqualified, that's just plain old cheating
  20. Their isn't a rule stating no bribery. Is their?