Comments on Profile Post by CarFryer

  1. CarFryer
    I first heard about it around October 2012 and let me tell you, my fifth grade self was *terrified*, especially since the article my class read about it somehow didn't contain a disclaimer that it wasn't going to happen? (1)
    Dec 21, 2021
  2. CarFryer
    Also, December 21 was the last day of school before winter break and I was going to be participating in an ice skating show the very next day, so I thought I wasn't going to be able to enjoy break or be in the show because everyone would be dead XD I woke up the morning of the 22nd like "...... what????" (2)
    Dec 21, 2021
  3. 607
    Huh, interesting.
    I never put any faith in such predictions, because the Bible says that Jesus' second coming (which will precede any end of the world as we know it) will come 'as a thief in the night' (for example in Matthew 24:42-44. I guess I already knew this at the time.
    Dec 21, 2021
  4. farmerguyson
    I remember the "end of the world" event. Hopefully I won't be offending anyone here when I say I laughed when I heard about it. I take all those things in stride and chuckle. From the fake Moon landings all the way to radioactive anti-5G pendents. It takes all kinds to make the world go round, as someone used to say.
    Dec 21, 2021
  5. SoulPunisher
    Yeah we took the piss out of it at school and I was interested in Mesoamerican stuff at the time so I knew what it was lol, and I was already an atheist by that point so any end of the world prophecy is BS to me. Bit of a shame it didn’t happen though because life has been downhill ever since then 😎
    Dec 21, 2021
  6. CarFryer
    Interesting! At the time I was pretty gullible and had (and still have) anxiety issues which made the situation much worse. After 2012 though I became extremely skeptical of any kind of doomsday scenario. I've encountered a few since then but I usually just laugh them off, don't pay any attention and then move on with my life
    Dec 21, 2021
  7. farmerguyson
    The only time I was truely afraid of the end of everything was sometime in the early 80's when the Doomsday Clock was 1 minute to Midnight. I believe man, not a religious entity, will be the cause of the end. But, luckily life goes on. It seems the younger gen is more in tune with what needs to be done so I have faith it will be alright.
    Dec 21, 2021
  8. ultipig
    I thought about this earlier when I typed the date somewhere. I remember finding out about it in 2008 and thinking about how far away it was and how I was going to be 14 years old at the time (from 10 years old in 2008). Now, it's been nine years!
    Dec 21, 2021
  9. TomvanWijnen
    I still remember it as well! I don't recall thinking much of it, thinking that such events couldn't be true.
    Dec 21, 2021
  10. 607
    Dec 22, 2021
  11. Nickblockmaster
    I knew of it years before due to the release of the film 2012, in 2009. We all laughed, because it's not possible for anyone to know. Each of us must choose what we believe. I'll leave it to my Creator.
    Don't be deceived. Do you not know it is written; -Matthew 24:36 No one knows the day or the hour, not the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, only the Father knows.
    Dec 22, 2021