Jan 16, 2012
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Austin, Texas
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Silver Forum Member
, Female, from Austin, Texas

RIP Bernard Cribbins :,( Jul 28, 2022

  • Warning: Inactive Staff This Staff member is currently inactive, but will return as soon as they can.
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    1. Krysyy
      That's a hashtag I can get behind. I'm personally trying to look at my life more in the present than planning for the future al the time. #ImproveLife
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Krysyy
        My issue is always that I tend to look too far ahead instead of enjoying the present. Sometimes to the point that I overthink what would be simple factors of life, because I'm so focused on a vision of myself in the future.
        Sep 13, 2018
      3. TomvanWijnen
        Ah, I see. I can't think of any tips, except for that believing in yourself that you can do it should help! Good luck! :)
        Sep 13, 2018
      4. DrMadFate
        Wait people actually plan for the future? I just go with the flow to see were i land .Its less stress full.
        Sep 13, 2018
    2. Krysyy
      Survey will continue through Thursday and stop on Friday. This means the deadline is 11:59 pm EMC time on this THURSDAY!
      1. Starsphere and MoreMoople like this.
    3. Rhyblet
      Congrats on 35k likes \o/
      1. MoreMoople, FadedMartian and Krysyy like this.
    4. Krysyy
      Big forum activity tonight/this weekend. Stay tuned!
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      2. Krysyy
        Ouch. I remember those days,. Losing out on a special collection item is pretty rough. Maybe it will come back around some day.
        Sep 7, 2018
      3. jewel_king
        :P maybe but i think only like 4 are still known to exist
        Sep 7, 2018
      4. Rhyblet
        Throwback to when I sold a cake parkour voucher for 20k
        Sep 7, 2018
    5. Krysyy
      Sorry for the mini-hiatus this last week. Even admins sometimes go through some irl stuff that affects their ability to function properly. Needed the break to reset my mind, so to speak. The problem isn't 'fixed', but I'm much better and able to separate my irl problems from EMC.
      1. ThaKloned
        Hopefully it all gets better soon! :)
        Sep 7, 2018
      2. D_ceased
        This is true for all of us, admin or not, at one point or another.
        Proof that, at the end of the day, we're still all human beings.

        In other words... you're supported :)
        Sep 7, 2018
      3. Sadie_Dragon
        I get the break part.... You're the only comm manager, too, that can't be helpful...
        Sep 7, 2018
    6. Kephras
      If you're still feeling up to tweaking Xenforo a bit, the 'date of birth' code needs fixing. It told me 1893 wasn't a valid birth date. :( Rude.
      1. Sadie_Dragon
        Lol... but no one that old would be alive...
        Sep 4, 2018
    7. Krysyy
      I've officially reached adult status. Super excited for my birthday present this year: New lighting fixtures!!! #adulting
      1. View previous comments...
      2. JDHallows
        You also know you're adulting when you buy your own birthday present(s) :P You'll have to share pics as well, once you have them up! Sounds like you had a good birthday weekend though ;)
        Sep 4, 2018
      3. Krysyy
        Pics after they are up for sure. Electricians come on Thursday (since one is the 2-story ceiling fan and Moose wasn't getting on the ladder) =P
        Sep 4, 2018
      4. Sadie_Dragon
        Don't blame him xD i've watched a teacher work on a barn roof standing on a chicken coop barely tall enough to qualify as a good height.... I think I'd freak being that high..
        Sep 4, 2018
    8. Krysyy
      I hope everyone has had a wonderful and restful labor day weekend. Tomorrow it's back to work. Definitely should petition to make it a four day weekend...
        I think we need a labor week
        Sep 3, 2018
      2. FadedMartian
        i think we're lucky to even have the day off :P
        Sep 3, 2018
    9. Rhyblet
      Congrats on not dying this year \o/
      1. MoreMoople and Krysyy like this.
    10. Bonditt
      4;30am monday morning... late happy b day
      1. Krysyy likes this.
    11. FadedMartian
      Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend!
      1. UltiPig and Krysyy like this.
      Happy belated burday
      1. Krysyy likes this.
    13. Krysyy
      Thanks to all for the birthday wishes! I'm having a fantastic birthday weekend.
      1. triphora
        How did these people know it was your birthday before you said it on your profile o.o
        Sep 2, 2018
      2. MoreMoople
        Sep 2, 2018
    14. NickkG
      Happy Happy Birthday!!
      1. MoreMoople and Krysyy like this.
    15. MoreMoople
      Happy birthday Krysyy! I hope you have a wonderful day =)
      *Hands you an iced tea*
      1. Krysyy likes this.
    16. CloverOcean
      Have a wonderful birthday! The world is better with you in it! :)
      1. MoreMoople and Krysyy like this.
    17. 607
      Well, a happy birthday anniversary wished to you!
      1. MoreMoople and Krysyy like this.
    18. TomvanWijnen
      1. 607 likes this.
    19. Krysyy
      Super excited about mani-pedis tonight with my bestie! It's probably the only "girly" thing I really do....
      1. Roslyn and MoreMoople like this.
      2. MoreMoople
        Nice! Have fun :D
        Aug 31, 2018
    20. fluffinator09
      Do you watch Let's Play on YouTube? Or any Rooster Teeth stuff?