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Dec 7, 2014
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Bronze Forum Member, Male, from The Netherlands

ShelLuser was last seen:
Jun 14, 2024
    1. CadenMann
      Man, I hadn't even noticed you were off the team! Thank you for your service. :) You were one of my biggest motivations during my time on the team.
      1. Equinox_Boss and ShelLuser like this.
    2. 607
      "ShelLuser was last seen: Today at 6:07 AM" :o
      1. Equinox_Boss and ShelLuser like this.
      2. ShelLuser
        Kephras made me do it! :P Sort off :)
        Oct 22, 2016
    3. ShelLuser
      And so Aya and me didn't get to mine on Utopia today, but now we have something planned for tomorrow, but we got an excuse!
      1. RainbowPony and Equinox_Boss like this.
      2. ShelLuser
        We started collecting material on SMP9 to reboot the EMC Minecraft fantasy story. And we have some good ideas for that too!
        Oct 21, 2016
    4. ShelLuser
      Is it finally going to happen? Today Aya & me have a mining trip on Utopia planned (finally) :)
      1. RainbowPony, Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
      2. ShelLuser
        Seriously: so far something came in between each and every time :)
        Oct 21, 2016
    5. ShelLuser
      My latest (SP) project: rebuilding the 'Abandoned Motel' gang attack from GTAO :D
      1. RainbowPony and Equinox_Boss like this.
      2. ShelLuser
        I'll share more details (and the eventual map) later. But yeah, I got frustrated that R* removed my all-time favorite gang attack so I decided to rebuild it myself in my favorite game. Prepare for LOTS of arrows flying around :)
        Oct 19, 2016
    6. ShelLuser
      I got a 666 day voting streak, fortunately nothing weird has happend so far. Maybe I should skip playing today :D
      1. Impaxis
        I will come for you.. >:)
        Oct 18, 2016
    7. 607
      Huh, you're not on the Contribution Team anymore.
      Sorry, but my first reaction was "Cool.".
      1. Equinox_Boss and ShelLuser like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. 607
        At the moment of posting, I wasn't sure about _why_ that was my reaction.
        Now, I think I feel like you can do more good if you aren't associated with any official teams, if you get what I mean.
        I like the teams, but I think you are more able this way.
        Oct 18, 2016
      4. 607
        Note: 'you' stands for ShelLuser specifically here, not 'one'.
        Oct 18, 2016
      5. ShelLuser
        And that my friend is absolutely true. However, I can't help think that many players overestimate the things which us contributors actually do. Hmm.... I might be able to do something with that, may even help the staff to attract some new interests.
        Oct 18, 2016
    8. Dufne
      Thanks for your work on the contrib team. I certainly know you did a lot with your time there :) Would it be too forward to ask for details on what happened?
    9. ShelLuser
      The only thing I dislike about playing is seeing some old(er) friends go derelict :(
      1. RainbowPony, Equinox_Boss and We3_MPO like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. ShelLuser
        Maybe best not to go there. It's also called "the big rip" and it wasn't very pleasant at all. In short: plenty of players got upset and left.
        Oct 16, 2016
      4. bitemenow15
        its a notable event in emc history, if you dont know about it, its probably best it stays that way lol
        Oct 16, 2016
      5. 607
        It was certainly an interesting event.
        I remember discussing it with nfell, back when he was still banned and not seriously considering to appeal.
        But yeah, it's a shame we lost a lot of players through it.
        Oct 18, 2016
    10. OhMiku
      But but but, yer not contrib anymore ;-;
      1. Equinox_Boss, We3_MPO and ShelLuser like this.
      2. ShelLuser
        Yeah, I felt the need to show off my gold supportship for a while ;)
        Oct 15, 2016
    11. NathanRP
      rip contribution team title? :(
      1. Equinox_Boss, Kytula and ShelLuser like this.
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      3. PetezzaDawg
        You still going to make guides? I really enjoyed reading those, very thorough
        Oct 15, 2016
      4. ShelLuser
        Absolutely! I won't stop contributing like that, especially because the feedback I often get is awesome. That was simply more important to me than other things :) I am /definitely/ going to write & maintain that redstone tutorial :)
        Oct 15, 2016
      5. ShelLuser
        And then things changed :/ even so.. we'll see ;)
        Nov 18, 2017
    12. ShelLuser
      There we go, back to being a normal player again. For those concerned: it just didn't work out between staff & me.
      1. ShelLuser
        Freedom! And yes; EMC as a whole still rules in my opinion. My redstone tutorial though is now most definitely going to be a forum effort and I'm even more driven to write it now! :)
        Oct 14, 2016
      2. nltimv
        Noooooooo!!! D:
        Thank you for your service as a contributor.
        Oct 15, 2016
      3. ShelLuser
        Thanks! :) But don't feel bad, this isn't an ending (IMO) but a new beginning :)
        Oct 15, 2016
    13. ShelLuser
      Apologies gang: I'm deeply into my "EMC ROCKS!" mood this evening :)
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. ShelLuser
        Because, you know... EMC truly rocks! :)
        Oct 14, 2016
    14. nltimv
      1. Equinox_Boss and GRIPCEO like this.
      2. GripCEO
        It does like me, you don't get the jest: I am the big G, everyone knows that :) Proof right here!
        Oct 14, 2016
      3. ShelLuser
        that reminds me to do a res. download. Going into it right now.
        Oct 14, 2016
    15. ShelLuser
      Cool, made my very first Mojang / Minecraft bug report today :)
      1. nltimv
        What is it?
        Oct 14, 2016
      2. Roslyn
        I did that before too. Wuz never fixed.
        Oct 14, 2016
      3. ShelLuser
        MC-108707. In the mean time I found yet another issue, but after sending that in Mojang "accuses" me of using a pirated MC version *lol* (automated bot response).
        Oct 15, 2016
    16. Lomax70
      Shells awake...I think I'm awake...will follow to see if awake...*follows*
      1. Equinox_Boss and ShelLuser like this.
      2. ShelLuser
        Awake, yes, sort off :) Waiting for my ride to a meeting, not looking forward to it but... After that I can enjoy my weekend :)
        Oct 14, 2016
    17. OhMiku
      You havent had anything here since Monday, fixed that. So, do you like bagels?
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. OhMiku
        Sushi isn't fun
        Oct 14, 2016
      4. ShelLuser
        But it tastes good! :) Esp. when my gf makes it... now I'm hungry :)
        Oct 27, 2016
      5. OhMiku
        Same. DARN YOU.
        Oct 28, 2016
    18. Dufne
      While we are on the topic, the 2nd and 4th description of who won the apple read, "UCH Apple" :P
      1. Equinox_Boss and ShelLuser like this.
      2. ShelLuser
        uch! I'll fix that, thanks :)
        Oct 10, 2016
    19. ShelLuser
      This evening stuff happened, then half the community got together to fix it. THAT is what EMC is all about!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. TomvanWijnen
        I love the confidence in the sentence "I think we peeked at around 10 - 15 players easily." :P
        Oct 11, 2016
      3. CaptainFoxy_
        Oct 11, 2016
      4. ShelLuser
        I didn't actually count them :) But if you look at this over several days (even after 2 days people were working & cleaning up there) then that amount only goes waay up.
        Oct 11, 2016
    20. OhMiku
      Hands hurting yet?
      1. Equinox_Boss and Kytula like this.
      2. ShelLuser
        I either underestimated the PWU crew, SMP8 as a whole or the entire community (I didn't keep track, its VERY late) but a lot of the mess is gone. Hands are fine, but I need to take a little break before I head to bed :)
        Oct 9, 2016
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    Kind regards, Peter

    (no longer a fan of the server, sorry: bullies have free reign it seems).


    Home page:
    The Netherlands
    I suppose I fall into the 'geek' category. I'm an IT professional and I basically learned most of it myself. "In my days..." we didn't have much I(C)T studies; perhaps apart from learning how WP5.1, Lotus 1-2-3 and dBase worked.

    Messed with computers most of my life (started with a C64, BBC Electron and later expanded to 286, 486 and the more modern machines) and often went way beyond merely "starting programs".

    Main hobbies: Scooter, synthesizers / sound design, Minecraft, watching a movie with my gf on a Saturday evening (<3), reading.

    About synthesizers:

    My tools of trade are Ableton Live (suite edition) powered by the midi controller known as 'Push'. Reason, which is plain out a music platform of its own and Max... the multimedia visual programming language which pretty much allows you to build anything you want. It's also incorporated into Live and known as Max for Live ("M4l").

    For the record: I own both... M4l as well as full Max license. This stuff goes deep.

    About Minecraft:

    My girlfriend introduced me to Minecraft in March 2014, and I was quickly hooked. Especially the redstone parts managed to grasp my interest, even though I had little clue on how to use them.

    3 days after discovering Minecraft I discovered the multiplayer communities, found a server I took a liking to and it was a very nice and educational experience. Eventually I lost my motivation; partly because of the way the server was run but mostly because of an upcoming map wipe. After playing and working very hard for 6 - 7 months only to realize that it would all go kab00m was too demotivating for me.

    "If I need to start all over anyway, then why not look around for other alternatives?".

    This is where I found the Empire. December 2014.

    I've been online for nearly 2 months at the time of writing, and I've now reached a point where there's no more doubt in my mind anymore: this is where I belong.


    It seems that my opinion is shared by "the powers that be", because on March 2015 I got invited to become part of the EMC Contribution Team, an invitation I obviously took on both handed. I'm very excited, mostly because I take joy in the fact that people recognized and appreciated the things I've done so far; and have now put an official "label of approval" onto it.


    As of October 2016 I quit said contribution team because I didn't feel motivated enough anymore. EMC is all about having fun for me, and as soon as something stops being fun then that's where I'll have to draw the line. For me a title becomes meaningless if you can no longer enjoy it, and I'm not really the kind of guy who needs to have status symbols. I'd rather let my actions speak for themselves :)

    Update (17th November 2016):

    It appears there are some wild rumors going about regarding me leaving the contrib. team, and I feel I need to squash those because after my last somewhat critical public remarks (critical is -not- the same as negative!) some people apparently thought that I somewhat became anti-EMC or something.

    Yes, I might sometimes criticize the staff and/or their actions. But that does not mean that I suddenly started hating on them or something. That's plain out ridiculous.

    Update (20th January 2018):

    As of some time I can no longer like other peoples posts. Nor can Aya who has been somewhat associated with me ever since we met (none of us mind). But if you wonder about it, now you know why.

    Update (1st February 2018):

    I'll still be doing plenty of posts (and occasional tutorials) on the Empire, but have decided to limit myself to EMC topics only. Every other project which addresses Minecraft in general will be posted to another location:

    Think about redstone tutorials, plugin reviews, command block tips and tricks, and even a way to create your own Herobrine mini boss :D If you're looking for me then that's where you'll find me.

    Update (August 2018):

    Having been honored with the 'Member of the Month' award earlier this year led me to re-evaluate some aspects and I decided to try and discuss my previously mentioned withdrawn like ability with the staff. And we came to both an understanding and mutual agreement which fully resolved that problem.

    Update (September 2018):

    I'm a little bit in a pickle right now because the person who sporadically plays using the AyanamiKun account has shared some discomfort with me regarding some previous aspects. They found "another place" and intend on playing a bit more frequently "over there". Where this leaves me, I dunno, but the one thing I do care about is GRIP (even though it's pretty dormant) and I've made preparations to secure the community efforts no matter what.

    tbh this is pretty much the only place you'll read about this and this is also all I'm willing to share. But being me I just had to share it somewhere, even though I'm convinced no one is going to read this :)

    Update (late September 2018):

    I am no longer actively playing on the Empire. No hard feelings, I still respect & admire this place, but on the other hand I also think the developers are turning the survival experience into something unrealistic and highly unbalanced; this isn't expanding Minecraft; it's contradicting it (hostile rabbits? yah, duh!).

    One of the reasons I took a liking to EMC in the first place was because it didn't alienate players from Minecraft itself. I can no longer say that.

    Update (2019 - now):

    Despite everything I said above I cannot help shake of the feeling that no matter what: I had a good time. And it was all provided to us for free. Yah, I can't let that slide by.

    I've had some luck on both the stock exchange as well as spiking up interest in my (small!) IT business and getting someone crazy enough to buy it from me.

    Of course they were after my customers but heck, that's business for you (and I not only informed said customers, I also helped 2 of them move onto another provider for a small fee. Should I ever re-start a business of my own they're seriously going to consider jumping back). Time will tell of course.

    But because of this I kinda felt like having fun. Both Aya and myself are now protected under the cloak of the permanent derelict protection. For the record: no abuse (or overuse). Aya always fancied a quarter (4 resses) and she got 'm (again) on SMP8. Me? Yah, I'm happy with one on Utopia and one for myself on SMP2. .. and my 2 official 'previous' resses of course. As for the 3rd derelict voucher.. I don't even recall what I did with that but I do know that it went to a good cause :) (I probably undersold it because at this point in my EMC life I don't care about money so much anymore).

    Then I decided that I should talk it out with staff and I did. I got to understand their point of view and they honestly saw mine for what it is. Results? Aya has normal forum access again, no holds barred, but staff would appreciate it if we didn't bid up against each other anymore also because in the end we kinda share the same assets.

    I do miss the sprees but then again I also understand staffs point of view (somewhat). They have a point when they worry about "foul" play, in the sense that an auction gets more value while in the end most in-game money comes from the same source (it wouldn't be the first time when Aya or me dumped some extras onto the other to cover for costs).

    It's a fair point I suppose.

    In the overall I'm slowly picking up some pace again. I won't be involved as much as I was at the start (so I think) but ... EMC is special in its own way.

    Comments about staff leaving?

    Note: I'm only talking about the staffers who some people started asking me questions about. Questions I never addressed until now.

    Yah... I can understand the motivations behind it. Because in the end the whole show is ran by one person and their will is law. And honestly? They're not very flexible about new ideas if you ask me. In fact... they're more like a control freak. When things get out of their control they don't try to deal with it and steer things into the right directions but instead try to enforce whatever they want.

    Works great if you're into that kind of thing, but for creative people who try to go broad it's a nightmare.

    Supervising people isn't only about telling them what you want them to do and spelling it all out, it's also about putting trust in them to do the right thing. Even if that sometimes goes outside of your comfort zone, especially if you're well aware that the intentions are all the same.

    Comments about 1.12 vs. 1.14?

    "Overspecialize, and you breed in weakness". No offense intended!

    EMC has some very interesting custom features but in the end it's also limiting them from upgrading. That's roughly all it is. And the stories about "instability" only get you so far, especially if you take into consideration that the Spigot project is already using 1.14.

    That's the project EMC is build on. Well, it's based on Paper and PaperMC is based on 1.12 whereas Spigot, the project they forked, is now 1.14.

    At this time I don't understand anymore. What does better speed gain you if you're way behind the facts?

    ... overspecialize...