[EVENT] Something New!!!

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by chickeneer, Jun 26, 2015.


Should the dev team organize more Find Something New, in the future?

Yes 47 vote(s) 52.2%
No 6 vote(s) 6.7%
Play-Doh 37 vote(s) 41.1%
  1. This is like Searge's secret features.
  2. Oh mah gosh idk what I'm doing :D :eek:
  3. 607 likes this.
  4. Ulti is right, it is that, I think it is, is it in-game or on the website? And this is for RainbowChin? Or the fact that it is summer.
    the_creeper_lord likes this.
  5. I think it's for Gay Marriage legalised in the U.S.
  6. I think so too!
  7. I noticed that too and was like :eek: HUH?! is that it?!
  8. You could be right! I just read that online!
  9. D:
    BlueBoots01, Gawadrolt and Ultimamaxx like this.
  10. It's ingame based on what chickeneer said.
    607 likes this.
  11. I found the dragon under spawn. But i'm told that's old.
  12. There's a dragon under spawn.? What. About to check that out.
    EffinBatman likes this.
  13. This here is kinda hard to figure out for someone who hasnt been around that long (yeah i know my account is really old, but i took a long Minecraft break)
  14. On the night of the 300,000th member (before the event was released) I thought the surprise was Dragon Tombs because I saw the dragon for the first time...
    607, the_creeper_lord and EffinBatman like this.
  15. Wait, what dragon?
  16. True he is in the tutorial now! When i did it a few weeks ago he wasnt here.
  17. has the nether teleport always looked like this?

    EffinBatman likes this.
  18. Yeah. :p
    607 and Ultimamaxx like this.
  19. Lol
  20. We are all getting insane :D
    607 likes this.