[EMC Discussion] Fill In The Blank (Diamond Supporter)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. As a continual diamond supporter, I would like to see 500r chest locks added as a diamond supporter perk.

    Why not free you may ask. because i dont wanna see locked chests spammed all over teh wilderness. someone may have already mentioned this but i still wanna see it :)
  2. Something else that I would like to see if a special 'quiver' for the shiny arrows so that you could store them in that while you are out exploring to help keep you from using them instead of normal arrows on accident. This could be for either all supporters, just diamond, or an item that could be bought in the /shop area. Pretty sure this one would go over pretty good with a ton of people.
  3. As a free member, I would like to see (common sense regarding accidental CAPS) added as a diamond supporter perk to encourage me to upgrade to diamond. Kicking on first offense saying "HI GUYS" followed by smart-alecky comments by a mod certainly are not taken well by diamond supporters and those who donate additional 100's to the Empire. Honestly, I stopped all donations after it happened to me. And I am a decent, mature player who helps new players and had never caused problems before. Just saying....... maybe see it from my perspective.
    henpenben likes this.
  4. Well then they would get banned for doing that wouldn't they? lol. It would have their name on it and they could use ender pearls to get over it. Also, it would have to be worth going diamond to troll that way. No one would do it :)
  5. Won't happen. Donations are not for buying passes around the rules like you think they should. All players have to, and always will have to, abide by the same rules whether they are a supporter or not.

    Also, in your case, if it was an accident, you should have explained that to the mod. If you have an issue with how a staff member has treated you, then notify an admin. Most likely though, they had enough justification for their action.
    Dreacon78, wisepsn and Rainier6 like this.
  6. As a continual diamond member, I would like to see more perks for us. Like more things you can do in the wild. For example maybe opening your vault in the wild if you pay more ruppes per each vault opening.
    BooTerror64 likes this.
  7. Would be nice to see a Tekkit server as part of EMC, what do you guys think?
  8. As a free member, I would like to see being able to build on the roads connecting your reses for free added as a diamond supporter perk to encourage me to upgrade to diamond.
  9. Maybe having specialty items like enchanted tools and weapons in the shop on utopia server (only open to donors anyway). They could be brought to any server via the vault.
  10. please?
  11. All perks that make the game easier actually make it less interesting and sooner boring.

    All perks that give (more) free rupees or would give free diamonds or stuff (it's basically the same) not only make the game easier, but also destabilize EMC economy.

    Naturally, there can be exceptions, like to balance out the game a bit if obviously necessary, .

    Which part of the market is EMC targeting?

    What (or who) I would like to see are more considerate, quality players who like the game and the challenge and would not accept to have in-game advantage over any of their playmates - for the sake of fun and fair game.
    Who also would not want to take part in anything like "bribe to vote" schemes. (You know, EMC server lists is also a business.)

    If I would be running a server like EMC, I would set up marketing strategy like this:
    - attract considerate, quality players who are fun to play with, not people who would buy in-game advantage for real money (isn't that childish and mindless anyway?)
    - no to perks that give any significant in-game advantage, no free rupees, no free diamonds, no flying etc.
    - no to things like forcibly exposing on the live map
    - yes to few perks like name color, chat channels, support around the game
    - yes to "reserved slot" perk
    - yes to supporter events
    - not over-regulate, keep good basic rules
    - keep good manners (which EMC does, and this is one big selling point in my opinion)
    - ask ALL members to contribute, at least $3 per month ($36 per year), like, instead of "vote for rupees", it would be "support EMC with a small contribution", perhaps a bit of nagging like Wikipedia does it.
    - allow for supporting of new / younger /other players, i.e. each "diamond supporter" could give basic ($3) supporter status to 5 other members or "iron supporter" to 3 other members.
    - make it a bit more than "just a game", much more than just pastime, make it more valuable experience

    (Even if there would be only 1% of MC players interested in such quality server, it would have thousands of memebers and (around 3x that number) thousands of USD income per month.)
    Dragonhalk32, wisepsn and cddm95ace like this.
  12. We can already do dat :p
  13. Just had an idea for a supporter perk. Don't know if this is even possible but what about a furnace that doesn't require fuel? like 1 for iron 2 for gold and 3 for diamond. Just a cool idea if it can be done.
    henpenben and IcecreamCow like this.
  14. or it could just like add a coal block every 1440 seconds (how long it takes a coal block to burn)
    • As a continual diamond supporter, I would like to see Flying added on SMP added as a diamond supporter perk.
    & Flying spectate mode on SMP servers (for iron and up, at a fee)
  15. Flying might be OP, but "spectate" mode (flying, invisible, no placing blocks) for gold+ or iron+ would be really cool
  16. It's already implemented on Utopia, but I would like it on SMP's as well to stimulate the build of higher more epic structures to populate our SMP plots :D

    I've built a few project on Utopia, most legit (before the fly mode) and a few after, but noone ever visits Utopia...

    If I got fly on SMP's I'd be able to build easier and make the structures faster :D
  17. As a free member I would like to see large SMP residences as a supporter perk to encourage me to upgrade to diamond.
  18. That's what Utopia is for, so that everyone has an evenly sized residence and noone gets jealous. If you want a bigger plot, upgrade to Gold/Diamond so you get a 120x120 residence on Utopia.empire.us & Access to a always day wilderniss :D
    607, Olaf_C and IcecreamCow like this.
  19. and endertopia :D