The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. There's no contest.
    Good luck keeping that up, based on my experiences in your position, you will find it hard
  2. WUT.
  3. Thats what they want you to think ;)
  4. No, really.
    There used to be many members that used to think that post count was everything when it shouldn't really matter.
  5. I know its superficial but whatever it makes me happy :)
    wisepsn likes this.
  6. Just a thought, i doubt a highway will lead to oakvill. Route 2 is off route 1, lead to oakvill. route 1 will be connected to the highway.

    That is all..o yha...can we get Matthew12hydro in a convo cell
    72Volt and brickstrike like this.
  7. Wait till you work for a living and every post (email) you read is another piece of work you have to respond to or act on. Every one you write is a piece of work done, or a request for someone else to do something (or the occasional joke).

    It ain't so fun after a while.
  8. :p
  9. You don't have to pay them, they just need to be on during that time so if a greifing happens, they can be dealt with quickly and justly.
  10. What's the incentive for them however?
  11. L0tad, I'll deal with the highways.
  12. Already had this discussion on page 70, to summarise, we don't need to worry about griefers because the mods will ban them.
  13. Want to be deputy leader or something?
  14. I think Sheared Sheep Lane got a fitting name XD
    kritacul likes this.
  15. Cant help but suspect this is the work of Jeanz and Psychcrabbit -_- haha
  16. Yes it definitely wasn't me, not a all, of course not, must have been someone else yeah...
  17. SHAGGY
  18. Thought it was appropriate ;)
    kritacul likes this.
  19. The land within a cities borders is finite.

    Fair enough, but they wouldn't receive the benefits of being in a city.

    It probably makes sense to not charge for land when a city starts out. But once a city is established with a sizeable population, then I would bet that players would pay a reasonable amount for a plot in the city (at minimum maybe 1 diamond for an empty plot). Selling plots is definitely something that would depend from city to city or based on the local government's decision.

    There is not much of an economy yet (besides selling goods) so this could contribute.
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