The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. I don't think we have one yet...
    brickstrike likes this.
  2. I advise, that whoever feels like discussing the argument, will join in a private PM. I'd assume that includes pen and death, because they also are sorta included in this. (I think death is involved with Pazzo?)

    Can you post a picture of where the town is located, and what it's going to be based on? (Industrial, agricultural, etc?) I'm looking if PPC Inc. could possibly set-up some shops or things there....
  3. So we only have a Wrem flag so far?
  4. A Wrem flag based on the communist flag, yes.
    jacob5089 likes this.
  5. Link to Proposed NR flag:

    This link was given to me by 72vault
  6. We'll most likely be based on nothing, just whatever our residents feel like doing.
    brickstrike likes this.
  7. OakVille welcomes all business.
    brickstrike likes this.
  8. This ^
  9. I don't recall ever voting for the guidelines in Wrem. I wonder how most people feel about that.
    mba2012 likes this.
  10. Englishmen, it is time we start a new town. With the government and the republic, I welcome you to, Oakville. Join the village. Join the republic.
    mba2012 and brickstrike like this.
  11. Brits allowed to!
  12. My current opinion? It hurts my head. :(
  13. So I am planning to build a highway to OakVille, but I need to know which highway in Wrem to connect it too. There are currently three highways either built o being built to go between Wrem and Inizio. I need to know which one to name the official highway or State Route 1.
    wisepsn likes this.
  14. If you want any neore conversion from now on until I notify otherwise, please consult Choongjae. I am dealing with a huge load from Jean and will have to work on that :)
  15. If you have any questions about Oakville, please start a conversation with me about it. Please include brickstrike, MrLegitisLegit, pat2011, aswell. :)
    mba2012 and brickstrike like this.
  16. Does anybody mind if I make an unofficial guide in Google drive or something for new players to look up questions? Such as "What is Neore?" Or.. "What are all the cities in The New Republic?"
  17. To anyone who is trying to compare the way the LLO runs, to how we run the N.R Having a complex and as in-depth system as the N.R. Does would not work for a colony such as LLO as it was founded around people eing to build whatever they want without limits. And that is perfectly fine, that is how it is built to run.

    The New Republic, in order to function as I believe it's creator intended, must have the rules and laws hat have been put in place, Volt ultimately knows what needs to be done in order for the New Republic to survive, what has been put in place is what is better for everyone and the New Republic as a whole. Rioting and Protesting against how this has all been set up isn't going to help at all, or change anything. The New Republic was founded to be different and unique among all other outposts, in that it is set up the way it is, and that it actually WORKS.

    So please, don't try to say we should try to be more like the LLO, as wonderful as the LLO is, the New Republic was not meant to run like that.
    pat2011, smile3, brickstrike and 4 others like this.
  18. I wish you could like something multiple times right now. :D
    brickstrike and Spenser6 like this.
  19. As a Spokesman for the Militia we stand with the New Republic. We recognize the Capital of the New Republic(Inizio) and the city of Wrem.
    As far as Oakville, till this land is deemed part of the New Republic(by 72Volt and or law), no Militia HQ or office(in the name of the Militia) should not be built there. If you are Militia and want to build a house than, so be it.
    That is our stance at this time and we will continue to update on this.
    Thank you.
    napoleon3665 likes this.
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