[AMA] I'm IcecreamCow - Original Founder of EMC - Ask Me Anything

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by IcecreamCow, May 19, 2024.

  1. I don't hate it. Me being delightfully professional as always along with my creeper sheepoo.
    NuclearBobomb, Cyberazaz101 and Sefl like this.
  2. If you could add any number of features from the Steam Version of TF2 to the xbox version, what would you add?
    IcecreamCow likes this.

  3. Definitely the maps. I feel the more complicated they made the characters, the more it lost it's identity on PC. If we could have all the new maps and content like that but keep the characters exactly how they are, that'd be ideal!
    607 likes this.

  4. Haha.

    Empire Minecraft Craft

    Like when people use the RIP wrong and say RIP in peace, lol.
    607 likes this.