[AMA] I'm IcecreamCow - Original Founder of EMC - Ask Me Anything

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by IcecreamCow, May 19, 2024.

  1. Around 8-9 years ago I started playing EMC and it was awesome! I never met you in EMC but I heard a lot of good things about you and how you made EMC a great place. I might not play as much but I still remember my cousin PurpleGiraffe94 (Lexibret59) about you and how awesome you are.

    Also, it is nice to meet you ICC my name is SkeleTin007. *rattles happily* :)

    If you had a minecraft themed ice cream shoppe, what would its name be?
  2. Brown cows make chocolate milk and the white ones make vanilla and then there are the cows that make the swirled ones. Makes perfect sense to me :p

    who am I to limit the possibilities? In doing so, I would give less credit to your name.
    Never !!

    [disclaimer - as stated, the violence of the cows is real]
  3. I'm not sure I actually knew this story!

    Have you got a favourite animal? If so, what is it, and do you know why (and if so, please share :rolleyes:)?
    IcecreamCow, We3_MPO and Tuqueque like this.
  4. Now knowing the evils that sugar can do to a person over time, I would have to create the 'Sugar Free But Definitely Still Tasty Ice Cream Mega Emporium'. SFBDSTICME for short, of course.

  5. I will answer this with a photo of my children.

  6. Joined a bit over twelve years ago (wow) now and remember you and Justin being essentially deities on the server with everyone freaking out when you were in game, haha. Are you still in contact with Justin, Jim, or any of the other folks from the very early days? Also want to express thanks for your part in starting something that was really formative to me for a large portion of my life. Means a lot and it's really cool to see you pop your head in on occasion.
  7. when are u coming back next i would love to see u online even if it was for 5 minutes
    IcecreamCow, Tuqueque and We3_MPO like this.
  8. Justin has been pretty MIA for a long while. Still alive and kicking, but not much in contact at all. I'm actually friends with his dad as well and talk to him about things. Jim and I are connected still. Don't talk on a daily basis, but could hit him up if needed. You're very welcome as well. I hear that a lot from people growing up during that time, and that's super awesome to hear. Never knew it had THAT much of an impact on people. :)
  9. I see that you are a cat person o.(o) We can be friends anyway

    Yes, thank you.
    Your baby server has grown into a middle schooler :cool: very very cool! Good beginnings have good journeys.

    I have often wondered about bumping into people that I knew from high school, just so that I could tell them that I loved that they had an impact on me, that knowing them changed me. Because I didn't realize it at the time and never got back to telling them that. And of course there are several that I would just love to give the finger, we never got along and we never will... But that was also a lasting impact on me.

    We are carved by our actions and our words, I decide on a daily basis how I want to be remembered tomorrow.

    Please honor me with one request?
    Shoot :aikar: or chicken a message and ask for like 3 more emojis for the forums here?
    We need a cow (of your choosing), a chicken, a Bug (for bug reporting and commenting, totally not for selfish use), and a couple of others. Debate will likely ensue for which ones.
  10. Cats are our overlords. Acceptance is the easiest path.

    I'm sure if you message Chicken with some ideas, they can probably get done. Adding emjois is usually a simple process that even I could do it back in the day.
  11. do u like soup
    Tuqueque, We3_MPO and ultipig like this.
  12. i have decided to limit my cow killing to 100 cows a day note i have killed 10milion mobs alrady
    be scared
    1milion in the last mond
    i have a higher kdr than most dictators
  13. I used to love soup back in the day. Not so much anymore as most of them are made with crap that's bad for you, even though they're labeled as "healthy". I haven't tried making my own yet though. Perhaps that's in the cards sometime.
    607, We3_MPO and Tuqueque like this.
  14. I was browsing on mojang during the 15th event, and saw this addon.... you posed for the image i bet. I know ya did, ... didnt ya! Admit it, cĀ“mon....

  15. do u like icecream
    Tuqueque and ultipig like this.
  16. True. I think self-made soup tastes a lot better as well! I haven't got into making it myself yet, but my mother regularly does it (I don't live there anymore though). What's also nice is that you can easily make enough for a week's worth of lunch and put it in the fridge.
    crystaldragon13 and Tuqueque like this.
  17. I had some Rebel Pistachio Ice Cream just the other night. It was delectable.
    Tuqueque, 607 and ultipig like this.
  18. Opinions on pineapple on pizza?
    Lily_Lil, Tuqueque and KatydidBuild like this.
  19. pineapple & salami for the win.
    extra pineapple!
    crystaldragon13 and Tuqueque like this.
  20. start with lentils. they are so easy. add them to water, maybe add some sliced/diced carrots. Simmer. will be done quick. add savory seasonings to taste if you are in to that. maybe some garlic?

    I used to love tomato soup as a kid. Especially when I was sick or when it was cold outside. I can't handle the acidity of tomatoes much anymore and we have found a substitute!

    best ever creamy low-acid soup & in a hurry.
    1 can coconut cream/milk
    2 cans/1 box chicken broth (or similar amount of homemade or vegetable broth)
    2 cans pumpkin puree (find it on the baking aisle of the grocery stores in US)

    stir together slowly, heat evenly. If all the ingrediants were canned, its technically already cooked and you just need to heat it to serving temp. Add salt and pepper. Usually can't go wrong adding onion flakes/garlic.
    Or other spices to try: nutmeg , cinnamon, allspice if you feel like celebrating fall.
    Or use an Italian seasoning mix if you aren't sure about what to try. Add seasonings slowly and taste it after you add something.

    As for those measurements: Use whatever ounces or sizes you need to. Its a ratio that is forgiving to a little bit more of one thing or another. If you need to make a smaller batch, just use 1/2 can of coconut milk, 1 can of broth, 1 can of pumpkin.
    Other squash will work as well. Butternut squash is readily available in the US. If you want to substitute milk in this, evaporated cows milk should work. Using regular milk might make the soup really thin, but it would work.
    Tuqueque and naMrorriM like this.