[suggestion] smp8 demands a fish emoji for use on the forums

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by KatydidBuild, Sep 14, 2023.


Do you want a fish emoji?

yes 11 vote(s) 50.0%
no 9 vote(s) 40.9%
:eek: I am scared of smp8 2 vote(s) 9.1%
  1. Lets face it. We need a marriage fish emoji. To fully represent Emc personality on the forums.
    We just do.
    We have an Aikar head. :aikar: We are missing something fishy.
  2. take my money i dont care just take it
    FadedMartian likes this.
  3. +1 in jungle green. I never would've thought of that idea, but I'm totally on board even as a proud SMP6er!
    FadedMartian likes this.
  4. What would this look like?
    I would suggest the fish item texture, which I don't think is in the game anymore since they added salmon and cod.
    We3_MPO and KatydidBuild like this.
  5. good idea but i tink it maybe funny to do a old fish or cod item texture and a New 1 with love hards or somting becouse that could actuly be turned in a promo for valentines day or somting mairage fish promo emote lore
    We3_MPO likes this.
  6. we need this
    We3_MPO and ultiPig like this.
  7. 🎣🐟🐡

    this should be the smp8 flag 🎏
  8. agreed!
    We3_MPO likes this.
  9. +1

    A definite throwback to the heyday when SMP8 was actively the weird server. :cool:
    We3_MPO likes this.
  10. i agree some players may pul the average down but the weart ness will always exsist wen im stil in charge
    We3_MPO likes this.
  11. My advice: People that have responded in support but not voted "yes" in the poll should answer the poll like I did to bring the average back up (and closer to its true number)!

    Now that I think of it, maybe we also need some emojis for the other SMPs to illustrate their character too? Like, I don't know, maybe a frog for SMP1 (Eviltoade's home)? A palm tree for SMP6 (the home of the MPO)? A diamond for utopia (the supporters' special SMP)? Still, I'm totally on board with the fish for SMP8 idea even more so than anything else, even as a proud SMP6er that redefined my SMP.
  12. I'm the 1% of people scared of SMP8 due to the history. :cool:
    We3_MPO likes this.
  13. 🐟
    We3_MPO likes this.
  14. u shut be lol learn a player to fish he can eat for his hole life learn a smp8 player to fish he maries his hole life

    the smp8 history i dint read into but its probely fish marages
    and just the tings i normaly do
    We3_MPO and 607 like this.
  15. Smp8 reeks of fish anyway, keep the joke rolling
  16. There are six votes for 'Yes' though, and five posts (including the OP) that suggest people supporting this idea, to me.
    We3_MPO likes this.
  17. anyone who voted no is a hating weenie
  18. That's true. Nonetheless, Yes and No are currently tied, and there were fewer Yes votes than posts in support at the time I voted and posted my +1.
    607 likes this.