Waste Reset Warning - with the 1.20 update

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by chickeneer, Jun 7, 2023.

  1. This is a warning that the Wastelands will be resetting with the 1.20 update.

    Mojang has released 1.20 today, and we will start work on EMC's update to 1.20 soon.
    So remove any items you have in the Wastelands immediately!

    I do not see us updating to 1.20 before June 22nd, so make sure you have cleared out your things before then!

    As mentioned in previous update posts. There will be a more regular reset schedule announced alongside this update. If you have compelling thoughts on this topic. Be sure to share it.
  2. Oooooo, it's happening!!! 👀
    We3_MPO and Nickblockmaster like this.
  3. Appreciate the warning. I've got a few things to collect, but looking forward to fresh waste!
  4. Thanks for the heads up! I have been looking forward to a clean slate in the wastelands.
    Joy_the_Miner and We3_MPO like this.
  5. Thanks for the warning! I'm ready for a fresh start in the SMP6 wastelands, hopefully with some badlands mountain peaks which we lack this time!
  6. I am looking forward to new lands to explore. Thank you Chickeneer and any other behind the scenes workers for all the work you do to improve/maintain this server.
  7. Exciting! Time to prepare my store room for new blocks and items!! :D
  8. omg yay!!! i cant wait to explore the new waste, tysm for all the work you guys do! <3
  9. woo time to wipe human’s destruction of the martian wastelands
  10. Haven't been to the waste much in a long time.... need to go run round a bit
  11. Nice! Can't wait to see new lands!
  12. Hoping for a Friday night reset.
  13. Will there be a second announcement once the reset date is picked? OR will it be a surprise? :D
    We3_MPO and Joy_the_Miner like this.
  14. I'll give a better time window when it is known. For most people it'll be a surprise though
  15. These updates are hard to keep up with and some of the new stuff is ridiculous. The updates are making online minecraft servers dated because they can not update previously opened areas like the Frontier in EMC. Mojang or Microsoft should fix this problem because their needs to be a way to do it without having to start from scratch, maybe with some kind of over lay layer.
    Joy_the_Miner likes this.
  16. As much as I like the idea on paper, I staunchly oppose it in practice. I deliberately explored the entire MPO before 1.13, fearing (wrongly, but still) that the Aquatic Update would overhaul biome generation. I didn't want holes of new terrain in the larger areas/corridors of old; given that I left shortly before 1.13 and took until after 1.18 to return, my effort still ended up being justified, though. Perhaps it's at least something for EMC to consider if they somehow can, but I still would strongly suggest that it at least not apply to claimed areas and ones too close to spawn to claim (to say nothing of the unwanted resource exploitation possibility that it'd create).
  17. An update about the update.

    Simply put, the update isn't ready. The warning about the reset is still in effect. I will try and give a day or two warning before we plan on releasing it. At this point, I don't know when that is. I've gotta sort out some technical issues still with this update.
  18. Thank you for the update on the update. You did say the timer was the minimum time required. It was exciting to see the count down. Can you retart it with another min?
    We3_MPO and UltiPig like this.
  19. Not at this time. If I were to speak candidly. I am hopeful that the update will go out by next weekend. But as the update isn't done at this time - I am not in a position to be making that promise.
  20. That exiting moment when your about to stock your shop with some new 1.20 itmes
    Brush crafting fail
    We3_MPO likes this.