Waste Reset Warning - with the 1.20 update

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by chickeneer, Jun 7, 2023.

  1. ooo i am excited very much for 1.20 for 2-sides signs and chiseled bookcases! :D

    smh at hanging signs tho

    thanks for your dedication chicken as always!
  2. Friendly reminder to anyone who "watched" this thread
    We3_MPO likes this.
  3. Assuming things go as planned today. I plan to release the 1.20 update today.
    It'll be afternoon time. A target time would be about 4pm EMC time. But that is subject to change based on how my day goes.
  4. :the_office_it's_happening.gif:
    FadedMartian likes this.
  5. This is awesome news, thank you!

    Will the special pork and beef drops still happen after the update release?
    FadedMartian likes this.
  6. yeah i think he had said somewhere the mob drops/ promos will be available until on or after 7/22
    farmerguyson likes this.
  7. woo

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