How old are you?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by KatydidBuild, Feb 24, 2020.


What is your actual age (as of March 5, 2020) when this poll closes

Poll closed Mar 5, 2020.
14 or younger 3 vote(s) 3.4%
15 - 17 18 vote(s) 20.5%
18 - 19 15 vote(s) 17.0%
20 - 24 29 vote(s) 33.0%
25 - 30 10 vote(s) 11.4%
30 - 35 4 vote(s) 4.5%
36 - 40 0 vote(s) 0.0%
41 - 45 1 vote(s) 1.1%
46 - 54 6 vote(s) 6.8%
55 years + 2 vote(s) 2.3%
  1. I guess everything sounding right on the first speed and sped up in the second means your father only owned albums, and no singles. I'm not sure though, as I don't have a record player myself, and in any case I don't remember what the third speed was for. :p (I could look it up again, but I'm expecting someone else to know from experience, and it would be cooler if they could tell :))
    KatydidBuild likes this.
  2. To answer the questions popping up above, here is a little excerpt from a convo Jaqque and I were having a few days ago, prompted by my initial remarks:

    "Lol - after I sent the above message, I realized we were in a new convo! Just a little techno-history. 78 rpm records were generally from the early days of sound recording. They were made on a harder material than the vinyl of later records. This was due to the fact that the technology just couldn't reproduce sound faithfully at lower rpm's.

    When music started really evolving in the 50's, vinyl records came along at two lower speeds, as you said, 45 and 33 1/3. Singles were put out by bands on 45's which were around 7 inches in diameter. Usually, had the big hit on one side, and an unknown track on the reverse. As Rock and Roll progressed, there became a need for the long play, which runs at 33 1/3 and is around 12 inches in diameter - typically producers would squeeze about 5 tracks on each side of the album (LP)."

    So you see, it is not sorcery or a myth, there were indeed three speeds. The 78's were sized somewhere between the singles records and the larger 33 1/3 records (LP or long play). This is when they began to be called record albums or just albums because it was like an album of the music of that group. Most of the oldest recordings in this medium were produced for 78 rpm players which was the only speed available originally. By the time Rock and Roll infused massive revenue into the industry in the early 50's, the technology had advanced and masters were cut at the two lower rpm's. So, chances are you won't come across 78 rpm records - they are out there, but pretty rare.

    When I was a kid, it was fun to take a normal record (33 1/3) and play it at 78 rpm - sounded pretty cool, lol. Really hard on the record, though. It is sad to hear SoulPunisher, both that you lost your dad, and that your mum didn't have an appreciation for all of that music. I hope you were able to keep at least a little of what he had collected? For me, this thread has been interesting because it brought back a lot of memories from 50 years ago or so. But, lets stay focused on the original intent of KatydidBuild's little poll here so she can get some good numbers. Ping all of your dormant EMC friends and get them on the forums checking those boxes. Have a great week all!!!
    BreezyMan, 607, SoulPunisher and 3 others like this.
  3. are the smaller ones you're talking about 45s?

    the third speed was for 78 RPM vinyls i believe.

    my sister has a record player she left at home when she went to college. I only own two vinyls (Worlds by Porter Robinson and Skin Companion EP 1 by Flume) tho so i don't use it much.

    we have a local Peaches record store >:)
    _Susu_ and KatydidBuild like this.
  4. Yup - 45s is what they were/are called. Haven't actually seen one in 3 or 4 decades. As I said above, bands would put their latest tune/hit out on a 45 and that is why they were called singles . . .
    ArkonXT, 607 and KatydidBuild like this.
  5. If nothing else, this pleasant recollection has helped the thread stay in the Recently Active Threads box, which might make some people click it who hadn't before. ;)
    But actually, now that I consider it, I actually don't think we should ping our dormant EMC friends. Because they aren't really part of the demographic anymore, are they? :p
    _Susu_ and KatydidBuild like this.
  6. Arguably, they are part of the community. Even the 'players' who don't actually play Minecraft are part of the community, I mean, if we know anyone who doesn't get in game and just prefers the forums :p
    If there are those that aren't active right now, but who would be if we updated, then that is one thing. If they have grown out of the game, because of life demands, then that is another. There are also those that play in the game, but do not use the forums. So ... eh? Staff (or someone) could post numbers of the average number of players who have been on during this poll's time, just so that we can see what kind of sampling we got from this little experiment. It's just information and I for one, am a little surprised at the age ranges that are coming up the way they are. We all have different ways of communicating and education levels, so this just lets us see who the peers are here, age-wise.
    607 and _Susu_ like this.
  7. _Susu_ likes this.
  8. So, are you going to buy it?
  9. Few hours to late .. :( ,And i would be the only one representing 36 years. Oh well ,all in a day!
  10. Ah, the polls are closed.. Was gonna log all my alts and own the age poll..
    UltiPig and KatydidBuild like this.
  11. Aww - you snooze, you lose? !!! Katy may still include you . . .
    Snoozert and MoreMoople like this.
  12. All your alts tower? Just one of mine needed to tip the scales
    AncientTower and KatydidBuild like this.
  13. My name does justice LOL
  14. Ah, I forgot the poll would close after 2 weeks! We did get 88 votes, that's quite a lot, I'd say!
    KatydidBuild, _Susu_ and Snoozert like this.
  15. I have absolutely NO IDEA how to edit that in there, so I will just say that you made it in.
    This was mostly for fun, anyway. A one week sampling of who we are... we got someone from every age group :+1: :+1:

    8 days, technically
    UltiPig, Snoozert and _Susu_ like this.
  16. Nice to see all different ages here at Emc .
    _Susu_ likes this.