Religious Coffee Drinkers

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by EquableHook, Dec 14, 2019.



My sacramental religion 11 vote(s) 50.0%
Hot COCOA please 12 vote(s) 54.5%
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  1. Suppose I should propose this thread now since I have labelled myself as a religious coffee drinker. Post below your favourite fancy dance coffee that you enjoy drinking.

    Me personally I LOVE blonde vanilla lattes from starbucks. They are sweet and contain so much caffeine to keep a university student up for 10 extra minutes!

    Your turn!
  2. the good ol’ black coffee ☺️ i drink a lot of it
  3. I use to be all about the coffee but I no longer let it rule me. I'll drink it on occasion but Hot Chocolate has me by the tonsils right now.
  4. Did it once... it's alright... Leaves.....unfollows thread
  5. Coffee with milk and sugar, coffee and french vanilla creamer, hazelnut coffee with half/half. and black coffee. I am not fond Starbucks. I like my convenience store's coffee over them. :eek:
  6. That sums it up for me as well.:D Minus the black coffee cause, it make my belly hurt.
  7. I prefer my unsweetened iced tea over here. Not as bitter, but still good for giving me a bit of energy. My absolute favorite is unsweetened green iced tea, but that's usually not available, so I'll just get the black tea.
  8. I've only had one sip of coffee in my life. :D (which was Palmsugar's (the coffee, not the sip or the life))
    So no, I am not dedicated to coffee. :p
  9. i cannot stand black coffee--- and I prefer light or medium blends with my amazing Delight Sweet Cream creamer ;)
  10. I am also a Hot Chocolate person too
  11. I love coffee <3 I used to drink it daily, but have toned it down a bit now!

    I think the best coffee I've ever had is a Mocha from Tim Hortons :D There's very few in the UK (like under 30)... but there's two in Cardiff and they're superior to Costa/Starbucks :p
  12. Im Shocked! You know of the famous tim hortons! Im more a starbucks/at home brewer but damn I can sure get my cravings off it!
  13. Starbucks is very enjoyable, however when I go up North I enjoys some Timmy's :) Coffee isn't really my thing, but cocoa or bubble tea rocks my world
  15. I don't know what it's called but it's coffee, so.
    luckycordel and EquableHook like this.
  16. can i point out that hot chocolate is currently winning the poll? :rolleyes:
  17. Not everyone enjoys the coffee life. Again the thread is meant to come out freely to the religious offerings of coffee. More to come hopefully on EMC. Next up Coffee HQ on SMP2
    luckycordel likes this.
  18. I don't drink coffee for multiple reasons, some of them being: not wanting to get addicted, it's too much effort to make, and I don't like the smell anyways. :p I've never actually drank the stuff and already have enough good tasting things to drink so I don't have any need to add it to my life. :)
    EquableHook, 607, BreezyMan and 2 others like this.
  19. As much as I love coffee I just can't mix different types in a day. Like I can't go drinking starbucks which is just really rich in sugar to homemade which is severely less sweet.
    EquableHook and luckycordel like this.
  20. COFFEEvery black, no cream or sugar.. usually from Costa Rica (1820 or Cafe Naranjo)

    ... course sometimes with a lil Irish whisky or Baileys... :)