Hi, ir Shell!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by TheOtherShell, Sep 13, 2019.

  1. I am a huge fan of the ir Weasel cartoon so here I am: Ir Shell :D Of course I have no idea where that name came from :)

    Hi there, I am happy to be a part of this server.

    Yes, this is probably someone you know, I just can't figure it out just yet :D

    This is me fullfilling a promise I once made, and honestly: I always keep my promises. Of course I now do wonder why and if and how I am going to use a 3rd alt but.. oh well :)

    Who did that? :rolleyes:

    Thanks for having me, the tutorial is really cool btw!
  2. heya welcome irshell ;)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. Welcome to EMC. :)
  4. I would have rather had someone actually new at this point, but oh well. :p
    ShelLuser and Jelle68 like this.
  5. Welcome. This confirms my hypothesis that half of the accounds on EMC are alts :p
  6. Welcome new player who I obviously don't know and never saw before :)

    But yes, the tutorial has been changed and honestly? I think the changes are quite good, a nice combination of "having to know" things combined with some sections where common sense can prevail. It definitely beats the old concept where you could simply run through while disregarding all the info in there.
    Stnywitness likes this.
  7. Welcome alt of ShelLuser!
    Have any questions, lemme know! :D
    ShelLuser likes this.
  8. Ayanamikun's new friend huh
    AyanamiKun likes this.
  9. Welcome strange-er...

    aka: rushell2?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  10. No, I keep my distance from this weirdo ^.^
    MrAdazahi likes this.