[Suggestion] Stimulate the economy by giving back rupee sinks as prizes for events

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by PetezzaDawg, May 31, 2019.


What do you think?

Yes 8 vote(s) 57.1%
No 6 vote(s) 42.9%
  1. Just had to make sure the intention was clear.
    OriginalScuf likes this.
  2. I'd appreciate if we could all not derail this thread any further, please.
    OriginalScuf and Jelle68 like this.
  3. But you said just that....

    Which was an edit from the original more direct...

    The reason that other players are getting that implication from your posts is that it's very much what comes across in your word choices when you brag about your accomplishments in this manner. Perhaps this is something you can actively tone down in order to not seem this way, just as I can add 'in my opinion' to statements so that no one believes I am representing them as facts. Then we may be able to get somewhere and allow the rest of the community to give their input instead of arguing over semantics.
  4. i didnt read the rest of this thread because im lazy.

    the emc economy is too far gone to be stimulated or fixed, putting more rupees back into the economy just wouldnt help. there arent enough players anymore for emcs economy to work how its intended, so at most putting more rupees into the economy will just make the few richest active players richer and no one else better off. imo the only way to get the economy moving again would be to scrap the entire thing and start over, but that isnt happening any time soon.
  5. I agree maybe have everyone start over?
  6. I don't know if you're serious but some people have poured thousands of hours into EMC :p
  7. I have a question, what I am gathering is if I make a shop I won't make anything? Is that true? Has EMC gone away with in game shops and more business on the forums?
  8. No, but the economy is a bit disturbed at the minute. We talked about this the other day in game if you don't remember.
    Kryarias likes this.
  9. Now that you say that I remember, thanks for refreshing my memory.
    607 likes this.
  10. To revive some EMC history:

    Dufne, Kephras, Jelle68 and 5 others like this.
  11. I'm open to any suggestions that don't include everyone losing everything.

    Though... to be honest, I agree with Alice nearly 100% of the way. Let's face it, EMC is no longer as popular as it was a couple years ago, or when it was in 2015, or even 2013. I don't think I had to say that because the economy reflects that. I really believe that it's going to stay like this until EMC fizzles out. Of course things can change dramatically if something major happens. What would that "massive thing" be? I don't know, we'll just have to wait and see if it happens and "revives" the economy. Though I doubt such a thing will happen.
    Starsphere likes this.
  12. Hey I used that all the time :D

    I'm just going to weigh in a bit here, not really looking to start anything.

    I've said for quite a while that one of the biggest reasons that the economy is currently the way it is is due to an excess of promos. Promos initially started out as small items that could be purchased easily and were fun stuff to use. Fireworks (as they were completely new when the first promo fireworks were released), Ore Busters, and all kinds of stuff saw tons of use. I have a fond memory of taking an Ore Buster into the nether to mine quartz with.

    Nowadays, things like that never happen. People simply save up money and buy as many promos as they can when they release, and then keep them stored in chests to sell at a later date, never even using them for their intended purpose.

    I'm not entirely sure that more rupees would solve this problem; as Krysyy said, the problem here is the player mindset. In my opinion, I think the only way to begin fixing this problem would be to drastically tone down the number of promos that are released, and potentially even remove the ability to buy them from /shopworld. In that way, each player would only have one promo per account, and it wouldn't disproportionately vary between those players who have tons of rupees and those who do not.
  13. I agree that this would be helpful. Same with opening vault pages for people who don't have 5+ pages. There might be a handful of people who are UNNERVINGLY rich and it's like wtf how bro but there are many people who have 100k and less. And I, who have been on EMC for 1000+ days, 3+ years, only have 400k (and am about to blow it on some gold support vouchers ;))
    Anyways, I'd add more but I've got a limited time, speak your debate below me :p
  14. OK I just saw this and what was going tHroUgH yoUR miNd wHeN tyPiNg tHIs?!?
    I would prefer you say it like: Give players the option to completely restart. I'm sure this would be a lot of fun and it'd be cool to make an added twist of competitions and huge time-spanned events around that, I'd totally do that! :eek:
  15. Well, this time I actually did read the entire thread (and noticed some very interesting arguments) but I have to agree with what 607 said and hinted at...

    I don't think the economy needs more rupees, it needs more (active) players which is something you can't really enforce. Still... the upcoming update to 1.14 could definitely be a good thing here: many new items, the servers will become more mainstream (making it also easier for (new) players to connect) and that will eventually result in more activity, or so I think.

    There are still plenty of blocks and items which you simply can't craft and will need to mine, especially when 1.14 hits. And that could create a small boost again.

    So yah... For what's it worth I'd vote -1 on the suggestion though I do want to say that I think the suggestion itself (and all the given arguments) are pretty solid IMO.

    But I think the 1.14 upgrade has much more potential to fix things.
  16. That ^ would be a great start.
    OriginalScuf and Joy_the_Miner like this.
  17. Welcome back Shell! :D

    I am cautiously optimistic that 1.13 or 1.14 will bring people back. While not a permanent fix, it (hopefully) should spark a bit of interest in playing on EMC again.

    Now if only Mojang didn't force 1.14 out with performance issues...
  18. *spends half an hour reading the thread*
    So let me get this straight...In a matter of 5 days this thread went from a suggestion to raise the economy, to going into opinions and controversial territory, to just saying that everyone just needs to start over, to everyone disagreeing with that statement...God I love EMC sometimes.
  19. There was politics in this thread? Where...? I'm so glad I never saw that!

    Gaming_Comander likes this.