Post an Obnoxious Lie about the Player Above.

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by cTJx, Oct 19, 2017.

  1. Yosh likes smelling clorox wipes in his free time.
  2. Yix likes to lie in a bath tub filled with with wet fish, which is why he smells like one.
  3. Yosh doesnt even know who yoshi is
  4. (my name isn't related to Yoshi from Mario, its a long story...)
  5. That's an interesting idea, pretending to be a tech support scammer. :p
  6. There are too many threads...
  7. Yosh wishes he were a dev on emc. so much he'll kill someone for it...
    TheYoshWhoBuilds likes this.
  8. Foxy_Kitty thinks her memes are good.
  9. think? I know

    Yixomua meant to send me a 1000th day gift but he forgot.
    Kephras likes this.
  10. Foxy once tried having a life but became an animal jam lets player
  11. Yosh is a cannibal.
  12. yix hates smp7
  13. benny stalks people and then robs their outposts
  14. Yosh doesent have well known member
  16. TheYoshWhoBuilds went to the fourth dimension just to consume the sacred peanut brittle of continuum, casting the Earth into a twenty year pause, thus spawning an evil version of himself who is hellbent on mastering the culinary arts to bring the next renaissance based on high quality foods, dooming the fast food industry into the 4th dimension. There TheYoshWhoBuilds and the fast food industry plan a devastating attack against the world his evil clone nurtured!
    Kephras and Kaddrii like this.
  17. xxcapmanxx burns all his bacon so he can NEVER EVER make A bacon grilled cheese
    xxcapmanxx likes this.
  18. TheYoshWhoBuilds dosen't deserve pancakes.
  19. Foxy_Kitty puts things in her pocket and then forgets where she put it 5 seconds later.