This is not even poorly misleading its just straight lying. Less than 25% of the community agrees with the rules that were set in place that got everyone upset. LESS THAN 25%. How often bumps and adverts should be allowed are split, sure.. but to say that the community is split on the whole issue is just... I don't even know what to call it beyond expected.
thats because its split up into more options than bump vs no bumps and more options than advertise in game versus no advertisement in game. The numbers there are very clear. The changes that were put in place were obviously not what the community wanted. Which even Krysyy could have told you. "We expected there to be backlash(sic)"
You are taking a comment that is talking ONLY about bumping and advertising and making it seem like it was about the entire issue. THAT is false and the only thing that is misleading here. You can see for yourself that the graphs are close to evenly split on those 2 subjects in Krysyy's comment.
You may need to re-read my post and notice that I said they were split on the offered options. I get that you are upset still, but you clearly aren't willing to even read the post before telling me off. It's a compromise. If you are unwilling to compromise and still claim I'm 'lying', I cannot help you.
It is misleading because the issue that everyone had with the rule changes was not how long between advertisements and bumps, it was that they were gone altogether. So, deflecting from that glaring oversight with: "the community is split on this issue" IS misleading
I'm presenting survey results, which from the data, the community IS split on. So I would appreciate it if you stop assuming and just read.
I believe this is a WAY better compromise, it seems to ban of the bumps entirely was still highly unfavored compared players who wanted bumps (Almost 3/4). The rule for the action quantity is way better than an anarchy system where anything can be auctioned at 1. The rarity of vanilla items needs to be clarified so there isn't confusion. So far, good work
The new rules page lists out exactly which ones are considered rare. All other Vanilla items are considered common, and again, if anyone believes an item not on that list should be included, they can private message Krysyy. Does that clear up the confusion, or is there something beyond this that we missed?
Only one of three things I care about is how I would like it, now. :/ Fortunately it seems like for many people this is a mostly or entirely good change. I thought 5 recent status updates was a bit much, but not too much. Any more would make it cost too much time to read them, and would make the potential of turning it into a shoutbox too high. With the amount of status updates doubled now, I'm quite concerned about the future of statuses as a whole. Another issue is that as long as the box isn't abused as a shoutbox, my statuses will stay in there for twice as long. That seems bad to me too, as they already stayed in there for quite long. If you want to know how someone's doing, you should check out their profile. The recent status updates box is a way to coincidentally fall into profiles to get to know people better, which is cool. I forgot how I was going to end my point, but I'll wait first, as this change again might be reverted, as the recent status box wasn't changed before. For auction bumps being allowed, it's mostly personal. I know many people will be happy because of it, and I don't really mind. I don't participate in the EMC economy, anyway. However, 12 hours seems like an inconvenient amount of time, with 24 hours in a day. It seems like you can get 2 bumps a day, but if your auction goes on too long or if you've got to hurry in the morning, you'll miss a bump. But of course you'll miss much less potential bumps than with the 3 hour timer, so I suppose it's a big improvement over that, as far as ease to bump goes.